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文章出处:长沙翻译公司 人气:0发表时间:2017-07-31 17:10:34

S & W 沉积物和水 
s and c 暂时停产 
S clamp S 型夹 
S filter 维纳滤波器 
S R log 岩屑录井 
S shaped curve S形曲线 
S T a C 短螺纹和接箍 
S T B 储罐桶数 
S T B 地震遥测标 
s-band S波段 
S-bend pipe S型弯管 
S-D spacing 源距 
s-f. 半加工的 
s-f. 信号频率 
s-f. 自动送料 
S-fold S-形褶皱 
S-joint S节理 
S-line 导纳线 
S-method pipelaying S法铺管 
S-P interval 纵波-横波首波的间隔 
S-parameter test set S参数测试仪 
S-plane S面 
S-plot S形曲线 
S-shaped hole S形井眼 
S-type well S形井 
S-wave interval velocity 横波层速度 
S-wave 横波 
S-wrench S形扳手 
S. Ahd 慢速前进 
S. Ast. 慢速后退 
S. Lat. 南纬 
S.A. 密封总成 
S.B.S. 海底增压系统 
S.C. 标准导电率 
S.C. 标准状态 
S.C. 单导线 
S.C. 单接点 
S.C. 短路 
S.C. 钢铸件 
S.C.C. 单层纱包 
S.C.I.C. 半导体集成电路 
S.D. 停工 
S.E.NO. 水蒸气乳化度 
s.f. 超音频 
S.F. 雕嵌面 
s.f. 剪力 
s.f. 平方英尺 
s.f. 自激;自馈 
S.G. 标准规;标准轨距 
S.G. 单槽的 
S.G. 火花隙 
S.G. 帘栅极 
S.G. 天然气显示 
S.G. 信号发生器 
S.G.E. 地面接地电极 
S.I.C. 科学信息中心 
S.I.T. 自发着火点 
s.l.f. 直线频率式的 
s.l.w. 直线波长式 
s.m. 米 
s.m. 伺服电动机 
s.m. 小的 
S.M.B. 国家矿产局 
S.M.E. 制造工程师学会 
S.P. 供应点 
S.P. 固化点 
S.P. 火花塞 
S.P. 说明书 
S.P. 速度 
S.P. 特有的;比的 
S.P. 污水管 


S.P. 样本 
S.P. 蒸汽压力 
S.P. 专门工程 
S.P.V.M. 单脉冲伏特计 
S.R.V. 表面复合速度 
s.s. 砂岩 
S.T. 标准温度 
S.T. 表面张力 
S.T. 钢桁架 
S.T. 海运 
S.T. 开始时间 
S.T. 明沟 
s.t. 酸处理 
S.T.B 储罐桶数 
s.t.o. 储罐油 
S.U. 西格马单位 
S.W.Gge) 标准线规 
S.W.Gge) 钢丝线规 
s.w.r 钢丝绳 
SA 半自动的 
SA 持续加速度 
SA 短臂 
SA 光谱分析 
SA 剪切面积 
SA 减震 
SA 截面积 
SA 南非洲 
SA 系统分析 
SA 信号衰减 
SA 旋转轴 
SA 自动的 
sabinane 桧烷 
Sabinas 萨比纳斯统 
sabinene 桧萜 
Sabinian 萨宾阶 
sabkha 萨勃哈 
sabot 镗杆 
sabotage 故意毁坏 
sabulous 砂质的 
saccharide 糖类;糖化物 
saccharification 糖化作用 
saccharimeter 糖量计 
saccharin 糖精 
saccharoidal dolomite 糖粒状白云岩 
saccharoidal texture 砂糖状结构 
saccharoidal 砂糖状 
saccharometer 糖量计 
saccharose 蔗糖 
sack cement 袋装水泥 
sack content weight 袋装重量 
sack room 干水泥和添加剂储藏室 
sack 包 
sack-like structure 囊状构造 
sacked gravel packing sand 袋装砾石充填砂 
sacked 袋装的 
sacle arm 天平杆 
sacrifice agent 牺牲剂 
sacrifice protection 牺牲阳极防护 
sacrifice 牺牲 
sacrificial anode 牺牲阳极 
sacrificial magnesium anode 牺牲镁阳极 
sacrificial protection 牺牲阳极保护 
sacrificial zinc anode 牺牲锌阳极 
sacrificial zinc-ribbon anode 牺牲锌带阳极 
saddle axis 背斜轴 
saddle back 鞍背 
saddle bearing 游梁轴承 
saddle bend 褶皱鞍形顶部 
saddle boiler 鞍形锅炉 
saddle clamp 鞍形卡箍 
saddle flange 鞍型法兰 
saddle fold 鞍状褶皱 
saddle function 鞍式函数 
saddle key 鞍形键;空键 
saddle packing 鞍形填料 
saddle point 鞍点 
saddle repair clamp 鞍形修管夹 
saddle shaped 鞍形 
saddle spring 鞍式弹簧 
saddle support 鞍式支座 
saddle washer 鞍形垫圈 
saddle weight 压重块 
saddle 鞍;鞍状物;凹谷;滑板 
saddle-backed 鞍状的 
saddle-mount 托架 
SAE number 润滑油牌号 
SAE 汽车工程师学会 
saf 安全 
SAF 选择性酸化配方 
safari solution 萨费里解 
safe allowable stress 安全容许应力 
safe area 安全地区 
safe atmosphere 无毒无爆炸危险的环境 
safe bearing load 安全承载 
safe concentration 安全浓度 
safe custody 保管 
safe distance 安全距离 
safe fire zone 安全点火地带 
safe harbour rules 避风港规则 
safe heat transfer 安全传热 
safe level 安全限度 
safe limit 安全限制 
safe load 安全载荷 
safe operation 安全操作 
safe practice 安全技术 
safe producing rate 安全产量 
safe reliability 安全可靠性 
safe stress 安全应力 
safe voltage 安全电压 
safe yield 可靠产量 
safe 安全的 
safe-handling procedure 安全处理规程 
safeguard bit 保护位 
safeguard clause 保护条款 
safeguard procedures 防护措施 
safeguard 保险板 
safekeeping 妥善保护 
safety alarm device 安全警报装置 
safety analysis technique 安全分析技术 
safety apparatus 保险装置 
safety appliance 防护用具 
safety arrestment 安全制动 
safety assessment 安全评估 
safety belt 安全带 
safety bleeder valve 安全放泄阀 
safety board 安全台 
safety box 安全箱;安全吊架 
safety brake 安全闸 
safety by-pass 安全旁通管;安全放泄管 
safety cable 保险索;安全电缆 
safety cam 安全凸轮 
safety cap 安全帽 
safety case 安全状况 
safety catch 可熔保险丝;安全挡 
safety certificate 安全证书 
safety chain 安全链;接地链;保险链 
safety checker 安全检测器 
safety chuck 钻杆座 
safety clamp 安全卡子 
safety clearance 安全间隙 
safety clutch 安全离合器 
safety code 安全规程 
safety coefficient 安全系数 
safety color 安全色 
safety control head 安全控制头 
safety coupling 安全联轴节 
safety curtain 防火幕 
safety cut out 熔丝断路器 
safety detector 安全检测器 
safety detonator 安全雷管 
safety education 安全教育 
safety engineering 安全工程 
safety equipment 安全设备 
safety evaluation 安全评价 
safety exhaust 安全排气阀 
safety factor 安全系数 
safety feature 安全装置 
safety flare 安全照明灯 
safety fuel 高闪点航空燃料 
safety fuse 安全导火线 
safety gear 安全装置;保险齿轮 
safety glass 安全玻璃 
safety goggles 护目镜 
safety ground 安全接地 
safety grounding device 安全接地装置 
safety guard 保险板 
safety harness 安全带 
safety hat 安全帽 
safety helmet 安全帽 
safety hoist 安全起重机 
safety hook 安全大钩 
safety in production 安全生产 
safety inspector 安全检查员 
safety interlock 安全连锁装置 
safety joint 安全接头 
safety ladder 安全梯 
safety lamp 安全灯 
safety latch 安全闩 
safety level 安全液面;安全水位;安全级 
safety lighting 安全照明 
safety link 安全环 
safety load 安全载荷 
safety locking pin 安全锁销 
safety lockwire 安全锁线 
safety management system 安全管理系统 
safety margin 安全储备 
safety measures 安全措施 
safety net 安全网 
safety notice 安全标志 
safety nut 安全螺母 
safety operation area 安全工作区 
safety pin 安全销 
safety platform 井架二层台 
safety plug 安全塞 
safety practice 安全措施 
safety precaution 安全预防措施 
safety program 安全计划 
safety record 安全记录 
safety regulations 安全规程 
safety relay 保安继电器 
safety relief valve 安全泄压阀 
safety rope 安全绳 
safety rule 安全规则 
safety screen 安全罩 
safety seal packer 安全密封封隔器 
safety sensor 安全传感器 
safety set screw 安全止动螺钉 
safety shear sub 安全剪切接头 
safety shoes 安全鞋 
safety shut-off valve 安全关闭阀 
safety shutdown valve 安全隔断阀 
safety slide 安全滑车 
safety slips 安全卡瓦 
safety stirrup 安全卡盘 
safety stock 安全库存量 
safety stop 安全限位挡块 
safety sub 安全接头 
safety switch 安全开关 
safety technique 安全技术 
safety tool 无火花工具 
safety valve seat 安全阀门座 
safety valve 安全阀 
safety washer 安全垫圈 
safety weight 安全重量;保险阀重锤 
safety working pressure rating 额定安全工作压力值 
safety working pressure 安全工作压力 
safety 安全 
safety-strap 安全带 
saffron 番红花 
sag and swell 凹凸构造;波状起伏构造;凹凸地形;波状起伏地形 
sag arch 张力拱 
sag crossing 下垂穿越 
sag curve 挠度曲线 
sag dome 张力穹 
sag of protecting coating 保护层脱落 
sag pipe 下垂管 
sag prevention 防流挂 
sag resistance test 抗流淌试验 
sag structure 下陷构造 
sag subduction 沉陷俯冲消亡作用 
sag tester 流挂试验机 
sag 下垂;垂度 
sagbend region 垂弯区 
Sagenachitina 网几丁虫属 
saggar 铸件退火箱 
sagger =saggar 
sagging condition 中垂状态 
sagging curve 下垂曲线 
sagging moment 中垂力矩 
sagging 下垂;垂度;挠度;凹陷;中垂;船身下垂 
sagitta 矢;矢星座 
SAH 旋转接头 
Sahisporites 桑尼粉属 
saif 纵向沙丘 
sail angle 最大偏角;最后角 
sail line 航海线 
SAIL 地震波阻抗曲线 
sail 帆;帆状物;帆船;航行 
sailaba 泛滥平原 
sailboat 帆船 
sailcloth 帆布 
sailing directions 航海指南 
sailing lists 航运表 
sailing route 航线 
sailing warranty 航行特约条款 
sailing 航行 
sailor 水手;水兵 
sailors' mess 水手餐室 
sailplane 滑翔机 
Saimian 赛姆阶 
Saint Croixian 圣克鲁阿阶 
SAINT 卫星监视器 
sakalavite 玻基安山岩 
sake 缘故 
Sakmanan 萨克马尔阶 
sal ammoniac cell 氯化铵电池 
sal ammoniac 卤砂 
Sal log 水压计程仪 
sal tartari 碳酸钾 
SAL 单锚腿 
sal 硅铝带 
SAL 沙特阿拉伯轻油 
salable item 可售产品 
salamander 能耐高热的人;拨火棒;炉底结块 
salar 盐坪沉积物 
salara salar的复数 
salary 薪金 
sale by proxy 代销 
sale on commission 佣金代销 
sale service 销售服务 
sale 出售;销数 
saleand leaseback 出售回租 
sales analysis 销售分析 
sales and distribution cost 产品销售费用 
sales contract 售货合同 
sales discount 销售折扣 
sales journal 销货日记帐 
sales line connection receptacle 销售管连接座 
sales line 销售管线 
sales promotion 促销;推销 
sales quota 销售限额 
sales rate 销售率 
sales realization method 销售量确认法 
sales revenue 销售收入 
sales riser base 销售立管基座 
sales riser 售油立管 
sales tax 销售税 
sales volume 营业额 
sales-quality gas 合格天然气 
salesman 营业员 
salesmen salesman的复数 
salesperson 推销员 
salicyl 水杨基 
salicylate 水杨酸盐 
salicylic acid 水杨酸 
salience 凸起 
saliency =salience 
salient feature 特点 
salient relief 显着的地形起伏 
salient 凸出部;扇形地背斜轴 
saliferous clay 盐渍土 
saliferous 盐渍化的 
salification 变咸 
salina solonchak 盐沼地 
salina 盐泽 
Salinan series 含盐统 
Salinan 萨莱纳阶 
salinastone 盐类岩 
saline algae 盐生藻类 
saline bog 咸水沼泽 
saline connate water 含盐共生水 
saline deposit 盐类沉积 
saline dispersion halo 盐分散晕 
saline dome 盐穹 
saline facies 盐相 
saline formation 含盐建造 
saline lake 盐湖 
saline lick 盐类沉积 
saline minerals 盐类矿物 
saline mud 盐水泥浆 
saline water 盐水 
saline 盐水 
salinelle 含盐泥火山 
salineness 含盐度 
saliniferous 盐土的 
salinimeter 盐液密度计 
salinity correction factor 盐度校正系数 
salinity gradient 含盐量梯度 
salinity indicator ratio 矿化度指示比 
salinity logging 盐度测井 
salinity stratification 按盐度分层 
salinity 矿化度 
salinometer 含盐量测定计 
salinous 咸的 
salitrite 榍石霓辉岩 
Salixipollenites 柳粉属 
sally 出击 
SALM 单锚腿系泊 
salmiac 氯化铵;硇砂 
Salmian 萨尔姆阶 
salmon 橙红色 
salometer 盐液比重计 
salometry 含盐量测定 
saloon deck 头等舱甲板 
saloon 大厅;餐车 
Salopian 萨洛普阶 
SALS system 单锚腿储油系统 
salse 泥火山 
salt anticline 盐背斜 
salt base mud 盐基泥浆 
salt basin 含盐盆地 
salt bath 盐浴 
salt bearing 含盐的 
salt bed 盐层 
salt brine 盐溶液 
salt cake 盐饼 
salt cement 含盐水泥 
salt concentration 含盐浓度 
salt contamination 盐侵 
salt content 含盐量 
salt core structure 盐核构造 
salt core 盐核 
salt crystal 盐晶 
salt deposit 盐类沉积 
salt diapir 盐刺穿 
salt diapirism 盐底辟作用 
salt dome oil pool 盐丘油藏 
salt dome storage 盐丘地下储库 
salt dome trap 盐丘圈闭 
salt dome 盐丘 
salt droplet test 盐雾试验 
salt elimination 除盐 
salt encrustation 盐壳 
salt exclusion 脱盐 
salt face 盐丘面 
salt feature 盐丘特征 
salt flank 盐岩侧翼 
salt flat 盐滩 
salt flowage 盐流 
salt fog cabinet 盐雾箱 
salt glacier 盐川 
salt kill pill 盐丸分隔剂 
salt lake 盐湖 
salt lick 盐沼地 
salt mud 盐水泥浆 
salt pan 盐池 
salt plug 盐柱 
salt pond 盐池 
salt profile logging 含盐剖面测井 
salt rampart 盐障 
salt removal 脱盐 
salt residual 盐丘剩余值 
salt resisting 耐盐的 
salt ridge 岩盐岭 
salt roller 岩盐隆起 
salt soda 碳酸钠 
salt solusion 盐溶液 
salt spray test 盐雾试验 
salt stock 盐株 
salt string 隔离盐水层技术套管 
salt structure 盐体构造 
salt swamp 盐沼 
salt table 盐台 
salt tolerance 抗盐限度 
salt up 井中积盐 
salt uplift 岩盐隆起 
salt wall 岩盐墙 
salt waste 盐质沙漠 
salt water base mud 盐水基泥浆 
salt water bearing reservoir 盐水储层 
salt water contamination 盐水侵 
salt water encroachment 海水侵入 
salt water immersion test 盐水浸渍试验 
salt water 矿化水;盐水 
salt weighted 用盐加重的 
salt 盐 
salt-bearing section 含盐剖面 
salt-brine cement 含盐水泥 
salt-collapse structure 盐塌构造 
salt-cored structure 盐核构造 
salt-cored trap 盐核圈闭 
salt-dome boundary 盐丘界面 
salt-dome well 盐丘井 
salt-filtering 盐渗 
salt-fog chamber 盐雾室 
salt-fog test 盐雾试验 
salt-generated paleostructure 盐成古构造 
salt-lake basin 盐湖盆地 
salt-marsh plain 盐沼平原 
salt-motivated uplift 盐成隆起 
salt-plug pool 盐栓油气藏 
salt-poor cement slurry 低含盐水泥浆 
salt-rich cement slurry 高含盐水泥浆 
salt-roof rock 盐盖层 
salt-sinter 盐华 
salt-stock family 盐栓族 
salt-tolerant 耐盐的 
salt-water clay 含盐粘土 
salt-water well 产盐水的油井 
saltation flow 跃阶式充填 
saltation mark 跳跃痕 
saltation transport 跳跃搬运 
saltation 跃移 
saltatory evolution 突变演化;突变论 
salted well 灌原油欺骗投资者的无生产能力井 
saltiness 咸性 
salting of soil 土壤盐碱化 
salting-out 盐析 
saltness 盐度 
saltpeter 硝石 
saltpetre =saltpeter 
saltwater disposal well 盐水处置井 
saltwater hauler 油田盐水罐车;处置油田盐水的服务公司 
saltwater injection 注盐水 
saltwater mud 盐水泥浆 
salty mud 盐水泥浆 
salty water 盐水 
salutation 致意;客气称呼 
salute 行礼;礼炮;致意;迎接;赞扬 
salvagability 求援机动性 
salvage boat 救助船 
salvage charges 打捞费 
salvage company 打捞公司 
salvage corps 消防队 
salvage pontoon 打捞浮筒 
salvage shop 修理工厂 
salvage sump 废油收集池 
salvage value 残值 
salvage vessel 救助船 
salvage 救捞 
salvaging 废物利用 
salvation 救济;拯救 
salver 金属盘;拖盘 
Salviniaspora 槐叶萍孢属 
salvo 齐射;齐鸣;突然爆发;连续投 
salvor 打捞船 
SAM 地对空导弹 
Sam. inj. 试样注射;进样 
samarium 钐 
samarium-neodymium age method 钐-铷年龄 
same facies difference time 同相异期 
same place 同名点 
same position 同名位置 
sameness 同一;同样;千篇一律 
sample analyzer 试样分析器 
sample application 点样 
sample applicator 点样器 
sample average 样本均值 
sample axis 样本轴 
sample bag 岩屑样品袋 
sample blob 取样器 
sample bomb 样品储存器 
sample bottle 取样瓶 
sample box 样品盒 
sample bucket 洗砂样的容器 
sample cast 样品铸模 
sample catcher 取样工 
sample cell 样品室 
sample chamber 样品室 
sample characteristic function 样本特征函数 
sample circuit 采样电路 
sample cock 取样旋塞 
sample collection 试样收集 
sample collector 试样收集器 
sample concentration 试样浓缩 
sample condensation 试样冷凝 
sample container 样品储存器 
sample contamination 样品污染 
sample correlation coefficient 样本相关系数 
sample covariance 样本协方差 
sample cup 样品杯 
sample cutter 岩心爪 
sample degradation 试样降解 
sample depth 取样深度 
sample design 样本设计 
sample dispersion 样本离差 
sample distribution 样本分布 
sample drawing 抽样 
sample evaporation chamber 试样气化室 
sample evaporation 试样气化;试样蒸发 
sample frequency 采样频率 
sample gasification 试样气化 
sample holder 试样夹 
sample hose 样品管 
sample identification 砂样鉴定 
sample injection port 试样注射口 
sample injector 试样注射器 
sample inquiry 抽样调查 
sample interval 取样间隔 
sample introduction 进样 
sample jar 样品罐 
sample length 样品长度;取样长度 
sample log 取样剖面 
sample mark 取样深度标 
sample mean 样品平均值 
sample measurement 样品测量 
sample median 样本中位数 
sample mud 岩屑录井泥浆 
sample number 样品号 
sample ordination method 样品定位法 
sample outcrop 样品露头 
sample pan 砂样盘 
sample period 取样周期 
sample plasma bottle 试样瓶 
sample point 取样点 
sample population 抽样总体 
sample pot 样品罐 
sample preparation 样品处理 
sample prescription bottle 砂样瓶 
sample pressure transducer 取样压力换能器 
sample pretreatment 样品预处理 
sample probe 试样探针 
sample procedure 取样程序 
sample processing 样品加工 
sample program 抽样程序 
sample rate 取样速度 
sample receiver 试样容器 
sample recovery 试样回收 
sample regression coefficient 样本回归系数 
sample retention 样品保存 
sample room 样品室;样品陈列室 
sample sack 样品袋 
sample sieve analysis 砂样筛析 
sample size 试样量 
sample space 样品空间 
sample spliter 分样器 
sample splitting 砂样分取 
sample standard deviation 样本标准偏差 
sample survey 抽样调查 
sample taker 取样器 
sample technique 抽样技术 
sample thief 取样器 
sample trough 泥浆临时取样盒 
sample valve 取样阀 
sample variance 样本方差 
sample window 采样窗口 
sample workpiece 样品工件 
sample 样品 
sample-data control 采样数据控制 
sample-data system 采样数据系统 
sample-grabber 油样抽取者 
sample-jerker 取样员 
sample-out count 本底计数 
sample-taking gun 取样器 
sample-to-background activity ratio 样品-本底活性比 
sampled signal 采样信号 
sampled well 取样井 
sampled-data computer 采样数据计算机 
sampleman 取样工 
sampler 取样工;采样器 
sampling apparatus 取样器 
sampling appliance 取样用具 
sampling bias 取样偏差 
sampling channel 采样道 
sampling circuit 采样电〔管 
sampling condition 取样条件 
sampling configuration 采样模式 
sampling density 采样密度 
sampling depth 取样深度 
sampling design 取样设计 
sampling device 取样用具 
sampling error 采样误差 
sampling frequency 采样频率 
sampling function 取样函数 
sampling gate 采样门 
sampling grid 采样网格 
sampling head 采样头 
sampling hold circuit 采样保持电路 
sampling horizon 取样层位 
sampling hut 取样室 
sampling information 抽样信息 
sampling inspection 取样检查 
sampling instant 采样时刻 
sampling interval 采样层段 
sampling jar 取样瓶 
sampling loop 采样环路 
sampling mesh 抽样网络 
sampling observation 取样检查 
sampling oscilloscope 采样示波器 
sampling pattern 采样模式 
sampling pipe 取样管 
sampling plan 取样方案 
sampling point 取样点 
sampling probe 取样针 
sampling pulse generator 采样脉冲发生器 
sampling pulse 抽样脉冲 
sampling rate 采样率 
sampling ratio 取样比 
sampling receptacle 样品容器 
sampling spot 取样点 
sampling system 取样系统 
sampling technique 取样技术 
sampling test 取样试验 
sampling theorem 取样定理 
sampling thief 采样器 
sampling valve 采样阀 
sampling well 取样井 
sampling with replacement 有放回抽样 
sampling without replacement 无放回抽样 
sampling 取样 
sampson post 游梁支柱 
SAMS 卫星自动监视系统 
sanatoria sanatorium的复数 
sanatron 窄脉冲多谐振荡管 
sanction 批准 
sand accumulation 砂粒累积 
sand anchor 砂锚 
sand apron 砂裙 
sand arch 砂桥 
sand bailer 捞砂筒 
sand bank 砂滩 
sand barite 玫瑰花状重晶石 
sand barrier 沙坝 
sand baseline 砂层基线 
sand basin 沉沙池 
sand bath 砂浴 
sand beach 沙滩 
sand bin 支撑剂容器 
sand blast erosion 喷砂冲蚀 
sand blasted panel 喷砂样板 
sand blasting 喷砂清理 
sand blower 喷砂器 
sand body morphology 砂体形态 
sand body 砂层 
sand box 砂箱;脱水除砂槽 
sand brake 捞砂滚筒刹车 
sand bridge 砂桥 
sand bucket 捞砂泵 
sand capacity 油层产油能力 
sand choke 耐磨蚀节流器 
sand clay 砂粘土 
sand clean out 冲砂 
sand cleaning fluid 冲砂液 
sand cleaning gate 清砂门 
sand cluster 砂粒团块 
sand coast 砂质海岸 
sand coking 地层砂焦化 
sand collector 沉砂罐 
sand column 人造岩心 
sand compartment 砂塞 
sand consolidation fluid 砂粒胶结溶液 
sand consolidation resin 地层砂胶结树脂 
sand consolidation technique 固砂技术 
sand consolidation 地层砂胶结 
sand contamination 砂侵 
sand content apparatus 含砂量测定仪 
sand content set 含砂量测定仪 
sand content 含砂量 
sand control application 防砂作业 
sand control cementing straddle tool 防砂及挤水泥对口皮碗工具 
sand control completion 防砂完井 
sand control equipment 防砂设备 
sand control gravel 防砂砾石 
sand control installation 防砂装置 
sand control job 防砂作业 
sand control life 防砂有效期 
sand control measure 防砂措施 
sand control operation 防砂作业 
sand control pack 防砂充填 
sand control package 成套防砂设备 
sand control packer 防砂封隔器 
sand control procedure 防砂作业程序 
sand control screen 防砂筛管 
sand control technique 防砂技术 
sand control treatment 防砂作业 
sand control 含砂量控制 
sand controlling result 防砂效果 
sand count 砂岩层总有效厚度;砂岩层总层数 
sand cracker 砂子裂解炉 
sand crushing resistance 砂子抗破碎强度 
sand cut 含砂量 
sand cutting 砂蚀;砂屑 
sand desert 砂质荒漠 
sand detection device 测砂器 
sand detector 测砂器 
sand drum 捞砂滚筒 
sand dump valve 排砂阀 
sand dune effect 沙丘效应 
sand dune 沙丘 
sand entry area 砂侵区 
sand entry 砂子侵入 
sand erosion control 防止砂粒冲蚀 
sand erosion damage 砂粒冲蚀破坏 
sand erosion 砂蚀 
sand erosional effect 砂粒冲蚀效应 
sand erosional plug 砂粒冲蚀探测塞 
sand erosional probe 砂粒冲蚀探头 
sand exclusion 防砂 
sand face injection pressure 井底注入压力 
sand face pressure 井底流压 
sand face 钻开的生产层表面 
sand facies 砂相 
sand falling out 砂粒沉降 
sand fallout 砂子沉出 
sand fill 砂堵 
sand filter 砂滤器 
sand filtration 砂滤 
sand flat 砂坪 
sand flood 砂暴 
sand flow 出砂;砂流 
sand fracturing 加砂压裂 
sand free gas 无砂天然气 
sand free oil 不含砂的油 
sand free production 无砂生产 
sand furrow 砂沟 
sand grain cluster 砂粒团块 
sand grain contact point 砂粒间的接触点 
sand grain content 砂粒含量 
sand grain count 砂粒计数 
sand grain roundness 砂粒圆度 
sand grain sphericity 砂粒球度 
sand grain uniformity 砂粒均匀度 
sand grain 砂粒 
sand grit 粗砂岩 
sand handling 供砂 
sand hill 沙冈 
sand hitch 打捞器 
sand hole 砂孔 
sand impinging 砂粒撞击 
sand inflow 地层砂流入 
sand influx 地层砂流入 
sand intrusion 砂侵入 
sand invasion 砂子侵入 
sand island 沙岛 
sand jet method 水力喷砂法 
sand jet perforator 水力喷砂射孔器 
sand jet 喷砂嘴 
sand laden mud 含砂泥浆 
sand laden 含砂的 
sand laminae 砂质薄夹层 
sand lens 砂质透镜体 
sand line pulley 捞砂绳轮 
sand line reel 捞砂滚筒 
sand line 砂线;捞砂绳 
sand loam 亚砂土 
sand lobe 砂舌 
sand map 砂层图 
sand matrix density 砂岩骨架密度 
sand measurement 含砂量测量 
sand member 砂层 
sand migration 砂粒运移 
sand mobile bed 砂粒流动的河床 
sand mold casting 砂型浇铸 
sand mold 砂型 
sand movement 地层砂运移 
sand off 充填结束 
sand out 充填结束 
sand pack filter 砂粒充填过滤器 
sand pack height 填砂高度 
sand pack 填砂模型 
sand packed fracture 填砂裂缝 
sand particle size range 砂粒粒度范围 
sand permeability 砂层渗透率 
sand plug 砂堵 
sand polygon 多边形砂 
sand porosity 砂层孔隙度 
sand prediction 出砂预测 
sand pressure 油层压力 
sand prevention 防砂 
sand probe 含砂探测头 
sand problem reservoir 出砂的产层 
sand problem well completion 出砂井完井 
sand producer 出砂油井 
sand producing formation 出砂地层 
sand producing region 出砂区域 
sand producing tendency 出砂倾向 
sand production monitoring 出砂监测 
sand production rate 出砂量 
sand production 出砂 
sand promoting condition 促使出砂的条件 
sand proportion 加砂比 
sand pump grab 捞砂筒打捞爪 
sand pump 抽砂泵 
sand pumpings 泵出的砂屑样 
sand quality 砂粒质量 
sand reef 沙洲 
sand reel 捞砂滚筒 
sand removal 清砂 
sand retention gravel 挡砂砾石 
sand return 返砂 
sand ribbon 沙垄 
sand ridge 砂脊 
sand ripple 砂波痕 
sand sampling 取砂样 
sand screening 滤砂 
sand screw feeding system 螺旋供砂系统 
sand section 砂层段 
sand separator 除砂器 
sand settling 砂粒沉降 
sand shadow 沙影 
sand sheet 席状砂 
sand shows 砂层中油苗 
sand size designation 砂粒尺寸选定 
sand smeller 地质学家 
sand solubility 砂粒溶解度 
sand sphericity 砂粒球度 
sand spit 喷砂嘴 
sand stability 砂岩稳定性 
sand stalagmite 砂石笋 
sand stop 防止砂子下落装置 
sand streak 簿砂岩夹层 
sand string 油层套管 
sand surface 砂面 
sand suspension 砂粒悬浮 
sand swell 沙隆 
sand tamp 捣实砂塞 
sand tester 带筛孔油管的井下取样器 
sand thickness 产层厚度 
sand trap 分砂池 
sand trial 落砂试验 
sand truck 运砂车 
sand up 砂堵 
sand volcano 砂火山 
sand volume 砂岩体积;砂子体积 
sand washing 冲砂 
sand wave 沙波 
sand well 砂岩层产油井;出砂油井 
sand 砂 
sand-blast device 喷砂设备 
sand-blasted pipe 喷砂处理过的管子 
sand-carrier 携砂液 
sand-carrying agent 携砂液 
sand-cement mixture 砂-水泥混合料 
sand-cement slurry 水泥砂浆 
sand-coasted pipe 表面敷砂管 
sand-consolidating fluid 砂胶结液 
sand-controlled well plugging 防砂井堵塞 
sand-face shut-in 井底关井 
sand-fill port 充砂观察孔 
sand-filled tar 混砂焦油 
sand-filled tunnel 充满地层砂的炮眼 
sand-flag 层状砂岩 
sand-fluid proportioner 比例混砂装置 
sand-grain crushing 砂粒压碎 
sand-grain-size distribution 砂粒粒度分布 
sand-gravel mixture 砂-砾混合物 
sand-hog 原油除砂器;构筑隧道的工人 
sand-laden fluid 含砂液 
sand-liquid jetting 含砂液喷射 
sand-oil blender 混砂器 
sand-oil-squeeze operation 挤砂-油作业 
sand-out pressure 脱砂压力 
sand-pack flood 填砂模型水驱试验 
sand-pack profile 充填砂层剖面 
sand-packed model 填砂模型 
sand-packed tube displacement 砂粒填充管驱替试验 
sand-prone depositional facies 偏砂沉积相 
sand-prone seismic facies 偏砂地震相 
sand-shale boundary 砂泥岩界面 
sand-shale ratio 砂-页岩比 
sand-shale sequence 砂泥岩层序 
sand-size grain 砂级颗粒 
sand-size particle 砂级颗粒 
sand-thickness map 砂岩等厚图 
sand-transport effeciency 携砂效率 
sand-transport truck 运砂车 
sand-water blender 砂-水混合器 
sandar sandur的复数 
sandbag 沙包 
sandbank 沙滩 
sandbar 沙洲 
Sandberg process 碳钢局部索氏体化处理 
sandblast pretreatment 喷砂预处理 
sandblast 喷砂 
sandcay 小砂岛 
sandcloth 砂布 
sanded up 砂堵 
sanded-up equipment 加砂填砂设备 
sander 撒砂器 
sandface convolution plot 井底褶积图 
sandface flowrate 井底流量 
sandface rate convolution 井底流量褶积 
sandface rate 井底流量 
sandfrac 加砂压裂 
sandiness 沙质 
sanding formation 出砂地层 
sanding in 砂子堆集 
sanding prediction 出砂预测 
sanding tendency 出砂倾向 
sanding up 形成砂堵 
sanding 出砂 
sandish 砂的 
sandiver 玻璃沫 
sandkey =sandcay 
sandoilwater slurry 油-水-砂浆液 
sandpack column 填砂柱 
sandpaper 砂纸;用砂纸擦光 
sandrammer 型砂捣固机 
sandrock 松散砂岩 
sands 含油砂岩地层;沙滩 
sandslinger 抛砂机 
sandspreader 撒砂机 
sandstone acidizing 砂岩酸化 
sandstone ball 负荷球 
sandstone dike 砂岩墙 
sandstone dyke 砂岩墙 
sandstone formation 砂岩地层 
sandstone grit 粗砂岩 
sandstone in blocks 块状砂岩 
sandstone pipe 砂岩管 
sandstone reservoir 砂岩储层 
sandstone seals 砂岩封闭 
sandstone target 砂岩射孔试验靶 
sandstone 砂岩 
sandur 冰水沉积平原 
sandwater slurry 砂-水浆液 
sandwich concrete 夹层混凝土 
sandwich construction 夹层结构 
sandwich copolymer 嵌段共聚物 
sandwich girder 夹合梁 
sandwich material 夹合材料 
sandwich moulding 夹心注塑 
sandwich plate 夹层板 
sandwich structure 叠层构造 
sandwich type internal floating cover 三明治式内浮顶 
sandwich valve 夹板阀 
sandwich 夹层 
sandy algal biomicrite 砂质藻屑生物微晶灰岩 
sandy algal biosparite 砂质藻屑生物亮晶灰岩 
sandy clay 砂质粘土 
sandy crude 含砂原油 
sandy formation 砂质层系 
sandy gravel 砂砾石 
sandy intramicrite 砂质内碎屑微晶灰岩 
sandy intrasparite 砂质内碎屑亮晶灰岩 
sandy lime 砂质灰岩 
sandy low-sinuosity river 砂质低弯度河流 
sandy marl 砂质泥灰岩 
sandy sapropel 砂质腐泥 
sandy silt 砂质淤泥 
sandy turbidite 砂质浊积岩 
sandy well 出砂油井 
sandy 砂质的;含砂的 
sandy-conglomeratic flysch 砂质砾岩复理石 
sanguine 乐观的 
sanidal 大陆架的 
sanidine 透长石 
sanidinite 透长岩 
sanitarian 公共卫生的 
sanitary drainage 生活污水排泄 
sanitary equipment 卫生设备 
sanitary facility 卫生设施 
sanitary fill 垃圾堆积场 
sanitary fitting 卫生设备 
sanitary inspection 卫生检查;卫生监督 
sanitary installation 卫生装置 
sanitary landfill 卫生填埋 
sanitary outfit 卫生设备 
sanitary protection zone 卫生防护区 
sanitary pump 生活污水泵 
sanitary regulation 卫生条例 
sanitary sewage 生活污水 
sanitary sewer manhole 污水管检查井;下水道检查井 
sanitary sewer 生活污水管 
sanitary waste 生活废物 
sanitary wastewater 生活废水 
sanitary water 卫生用水 
sanitary 卫生的 
sanitation system 卫生系统 
sanitation 卫生;卫生设备;下水道设备 
sanitizer 消毒剂 
sannaite 霞闪正煌岩 
Sannoisian stage 赛诺阶 
santalane 檀香烷 
santalene 檀香萜 
Santalumidites 檀香粉属 
Santonian 桑托阶 
santorinite 紫苏安山岩 
Sanwa Bank 三和银行 
sap 树液;白木质;渗碳钢软心;风化岩石;坑道 
sapanthracite 腐泥无烟煤 
sapanthracon 腐泥烟煤 
sapanthrakon 高炭泥煤;含油页岩 
SAPCHE 半自动程序检验装置 
saphe 同态相位 
Sapindaceidites 无患子粉属 
SAPL 维修零件一览表 
saponaceous waterproofing agent 皂类防水剂 
saponated petroleum 皂化石油 
saponifiability 可皂化性 
saponification number 皂化值 
saponification 皂化 
saponifier 皂化剂 
saponite 皂石 
Saportanella 萨波特轮藻属 
Sapotaceoidaepollenites 山榄粉属 
SAPP 酸式焦磷酸钠 
sapper 坑道工兵;挖掘器 
sapphire point 蓝宝石轴承 
sapphire 蓝宝石 
sapphirine 假蓝宝石 
saprobe 污水生物 
saprocol 灰质腐泥 
saprodil 腐殖质煤 
saprodite 腐泥褐煤 
saprofication 腐泥化作用 
saprogen 腐生生物 
saprogenic 腐生的 
saprogenous 腐生的 
saprohumolith series 腐泥腐殖煤系列 
saprokol 硬腐泥 
saprokonite 细粒灰岩 
saprolite 腐泥土 
sapromyxite 藻煤 
sapropel clay 腐泥粘土 
sapropel 腐泥 
sapropel-calc 腐泥钙藻岩 
sapropel-type cracking gas 腐泥型裂解气 
sapropel-type kerogen 腐泥型干酪根 
sapropelic coal 腐泥煤 
sapropelic rock 腐泥岩 
sapropelic 腐泥的 
sapropelinite 腐泥煤 
sapropelite 腐泥岩 
saprophytic bacteria 腐生菌 
saproplankton 污水浮游生物 
sapropsammite 砂质腐泥 
saprovitrinite 腐泥镜质体 
saprovitrite 腐泥微镜煤 
SAR 安全分析报告 
SAR 合成孔径雷达 
SARABAND 斯仑贝谢公司泥质砂岩解释程序 
sarah 搜索、营救和归航的设备 
saran 萨冉树脂;莎纶;耐火塑料布 
sarcina methanica 甲烷八迭球菌 
sarcolite 钠菱沸石 
Sardic orogeny 萨迪造山运动 
sardine 沙丁鱼;挤塞 
sargasso 马尾藻 
sargent tube 氢氟酸测斜仪的玻璃管 
sarkolith =sarcolite 
Sarmatian 萨尔马特阶 
sarnaite 霓辉钙霞正长岩 
sarsden stone 羊背石 
sarsen stone 羊背石 
sarsen 羊背石 
SAS 安全保证系统 
SAS 水下常压系统 
sash 框格 
saspachite 钾沸石 
SASS 悬挂式基阵监视系统 
sassolite 天然硼酸 
sastruga 雪波 
sat 饱和 
SAT 南大西洋 
SAT 通信卫星 
SAT 通信卫星公司 
Sat. Sol 饱和溶液 
satchel 小背包 
satcom 卫星通信 
SATCOMA 卫星通信机构 
satellite altimetry 卫星测高法 
satellite altitude 卫星高度 
satellite anchor 附属锚具 
satellite angle measurement navigation system 卫星测角导航系统 
satellite borne sensor 星载传感器 
satellite communication interface 卫星通信接口 
satellite communication link 卫星通信网 
satellite communication 卫星通信 
satellite coverage 卫星覆盖范围 
satellite detection system 卫星探测系统 
satellite dike 附庸岩脉 
satellite Doppler navigation system 卫星多普勒导航系统 
satellite Doppler positioning 卫星多普勒定位 
satellite elevation angle 卫星仰角 
satellite ephemeris error 卫星星历误差 
satellite fix 人造卫星定点 
satellite flow-line 卫星井出油管 
satellite frequency error 卫星频率误差 
satellite gas field 卫星气田 
satellite ground station 卫星地面站 
satellite image 卫星图象 
satellite imagery 卫星图象 
satellite injection 附庸贯入 
satellite mapping 卫星测图 
satellite monitoring 卫星监视 
satellite navigation computer 卫星导航计算机 
satellite navigation earth station 卫星导航地面站 
satellite navigation system 卫星导航系统 
satellite navigation 卫星导航 
satellite network 卫星网络 
satellite orbit period 卫星轨道周期 
satellite orbit 卫星轨道 
satellite orbital error 卫星轨道误差 
satellite orientation 卫星定向 
satellite perturbance motion 卫星摄动 
satellite photography 卫星摄影学 
satellite plant 卫星厂 
satellite platform 卫星平台 
satellite point positioning 卫星点定位 
satellite positioning station 卫星定位站 
satellite positioning 卫星定位 
satellite processor 卫星信息处理机 
satellite pulse 辅助脉冲 
satellite range measurement navigation system 卫星测距导航系统 
satellite receiver 卫星接收装置 
satellite remote sensing system 卫星遥感系统 
satellite reservoir 卫星油藏 
satellite sensor 卫星探测器 
satellite sounding 卫星探测 
satellite station 辅助站 
satellite tank farm 辅助油库 
satellite telemetry link 卫星遥测网络节 
satellite telemetry 卫星遥测技术 
satellite tracking station 卫星跟踪站 
satellite visibility period 卫星可见期 
satellite well 卫星井 
satellite 卫星;卫星井;卫星油气田 
satellite-based 星载的 
satellite-borne remote sensing system 星载遥感系统 
satellite-central gathering platform 卫星井油气集输中心平台 
satellite-Doppler-Sonar navigation 卫星多普勒声呐导航 
satellitic injection 附庸贯入 
satelloid 带有动力装置的人造地球卫星;载人飞行器 
satelloon 气球卫星 
sathrolite 原地深风化岩 
satin gloss 灯黑 
satin luster 丝绢光泽 
satin 缎子;缎纹 
satisfaction 满意 
satisfactory 令人满意的 
satisfied hydrocarbon 饱和烃 
satisfy 满足;使饱和 
satnav 卫星定位 
SATT 声波衰减 
saturability 饱和度 
saturable system 可饱和系统 
saturable 可饱和的 
saturant 饱和剂 
saturate record 饱和记录 
saturate 饱和 
saturated belt 饱和带 
saturated bond 饱和键 
saturated calomel electrode 饱和甘汞电极 
saturated clay layer 饱和粘土层 
saturated compound 饱和化合物 
saturated core 饱和铁心;含油岩心 
saturated coverage 饱和覆盖 
saturated diver 饱和潜水员 
saturated gas 含水天然气 
saturated humidity 饱和湿度 
saturated hydrocarbon fraction 饱和烃馏分 
saturated hydrocarbon 饱和烃 
saturated hydrocarbons 饱和烃类 
saturated market 饱和市场 
saturated oil 饱和油 
saturated polyester 饱和聚酯 
saturated pool 饱和油藏 
saturated salt system 饱和盐水系统 
saturated saltwater mud 饱和盐水泥浆 
saturated solution 饱和溶液 
saturated steam cylinder oil 饱和汽缸油 
saturated steam 饱和蒸汽 
saturated unit weight 饱和容重 
saturated vapour 饱和蒸汽 
saturated zone 饱和带 
saturated 饱和的 
saturating capacity 饱和量 
saturating point 饱和点 
saturating winding 饱和绕组 
saturating-bonding 饱和浸渍粘合法 
saturation boiling 饱和沸腾 
saturation characteristic 饱和特性 
saturation coefficient 饱和系数 
saturation concentration 饱和浓度 
saturation conditions 饱和状态 
saturation degree 饱和度 
saturation distribution 饱和度分布 
saturation dive 饱和潜水 
saturation diving 饱和潜水 
saturation effect 饱和效应 
saturation equation 饱和度方程 
saturation exponent 饱和度指数 
saturation field 饱和度场 
saturation front 饱和度前缘 
saturation gradient 饱和梯度 
saturation habitat 饱和居留舱 
saturation history 饱和过程 
saturation hysteresis loop 饱和磁滞回线 
saturation index 饱和指数 
saturation induction 饱和感应 
saturation isotherm 饱和等温线 
saturation life support unit 饱和潜水的生命维护设备 
saturation magnetic flux density 饱和磁通密度 
saturation magnetization 饱和磁化强度 
saturation method 饱和法 
saturation of double bonds 双键的饱和 
saturation point 饱和点 
saturation pressure 饱和压力 
saturation profile 纵剖面饱和度分布图 
saturation prospecting 饱和勘探 
saturation ratio 饱和比 
saturation regain 饱和回潮率 
saturation region 饱和区 
saturation temperature 饱和温度 
saturation type gravimeter 感应式重力仪 
saturation value 饱和值 
saturation 饱和 
saturator 饱和塔 
Saturn 土星;土星;铅 
saturnism 铅中毒 
saucer lake 浸没湖 
saucer pitting 盘状点蚀 
saucer washer 凹面弹簧垫圈 
saucer 碟 
saucer-shaped subsidence pattern 盘状下沉模式 
Saucesian 索塞斯阶 
Saudi Aribian Basic Industry Company 沙特基础工业公司 
saugkalk 不纯灰岩 
saugkiesel 硅藻板岩 
sausage antenna 圆柱形天线 
sausage dynamite method 定向爆炸法 
sausage powder 肠状炸药 
sausage 香肠;圆柱形观测气球 
Savage principle 萨维奇准则 
save 营救 
saver sub 保护接头 
saver 救星 
Savian movement 萨夫运动 
saving 节约的 
Savitrisporites 沙氏孢属 
saw bench 锯台 
saw blade 锯片 
saw cut slotted liner 锯片割缝衬管 
saw cutting 锯片割缝 
saw machine 锯床 
saw 锯;锯开 
SAW 埋弧焊 
saw-cut 切谷 
saw-slotted liner 割缝衬管 
saw-tooth oscillator 锯齿波振荡器 
saw-tooth wave generator 锯齿波发生器 
saw-toothed curve 锯齿形曲线 
saw-toothed oscillator 锯齿波振荡器 
saw-toothed profile 锯齿形剖面 
saw-toothed wave generator 锯齿波发生器 
sawback 锯齿形山脊 
sawdust 锯屑 
sawing 锯切 
sawmill 锯木厂;大型锯机 
sawtooth pattern 锯齿形 
sawtooth SP 锯齿形自然电位曲线 
sawtooth wave 锯齿波 
sawtooth 锯齿;锯齿形的 
sawyer 锯工 
sax 袋 
Saxonian 萨克森统 
saxonite 方辉橄榄岩 
say 念 
Saybolt chromometer 赛氏比色计 
Saybolt color 赛氏色度 
Saybolt colorimeter 赛氏比色计 
Saybolt furol second 赛氏伏洛秒 
Saybolt furol viscosimeter 赛氏重油粘度计 
Saybolt second 赛氏秒数 
Saybolt standard liquid 赛氏标准液 
Saybolt thermoviscosimeter 赛氏热粘度计 
Saybolt universal second 赛氏通用秒 
Saybolt universal viscosity 赛氏通用粘度 
Saybolt viscosimeter 赛氏粘度计 
Saybolt viscosity test 赛氏粘度测定 
SB 备用 
SB 沉积盆地 
SB 配电盘 
Sb 锑 
SB 同时广播 
SB 置位 
sb. 某人 
sb. 实在的 
sb. 熙提 
SBA 标准射束着陆 
SBC 岸上计算机 
SBC 单板机 
SBC 小卡口灯座 
SBCA 浅侧向屏蔽电流衰减 
SbE 南微东 
SBG 组间爆发 
SBHHP 钻头比水马力 
SBHP 井底静压 
SBL 短基线系统 
SBM loading terminal 单浮筒系泊装油浮动码头 
SBM 单浮筒系泊 
SBMS 供应船系泊系统 
SBP spirit 特种沸点酒精 
SBP 特殊沸点 
SBR 合成丁二烯橡胶 
SBR 合成异丁橡胶 
SBR 围岩电阻率 
SBS elastomer 苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯弹性体 
SBS system 单浮筒储油系统 
Sbs. 亚音速的 
sbstract card 文摘卡 
SBT 分区水泥胶结测井仪 
SBTC 中英贸易协会 
SBU 二级构造单元 
Sbw 南偏西 
SC 标准计数器 
SC 标准条件 
sc 超载;过载;过度充电;装填过多 
SC 单次覆盖 
Sc 短路 
SC 防砂 
SC 符号码 
sc 规定的航向 
Sc 科学 
Sc 科学的 
SC 刻度 
Sc 螺钉 
SC 移位计数器 
Sc 钪 
Sc. M. 科学硕士 
SCA 单道分析器 
scab liner 加固衬管 
scab off 隔离 
scab tieback string 保护回接套管柱 
scab 痂 
scabbard fold 剑鞘褶皱 
scabbard 管套 
Scabiosapollis 山萝卜粉属 
Scabratriletes 剑唇大孢属 
scaffold 脚手架;搭棚 
scalage 缩减比率;衡量 
scalar computer 标量计算机 
scalar data 标量数据 
scalar field 标量场 
scalar flux 标通量 
scalar function 标量函数 
scalar impedance 标量阻抗 
scalar instruction 标量指令 
scalar magnetometer 标量磁力仪 
scalar magnetotelluric method 标量大地电磁法 
scalar potential 标量位 
scalar pressure 标量压力 
scalar processor 标量处理机 
scalar product 标积 
scalar property 无向性 
scalar quantity 标量;数量 
scalar register 标量寄存器 
scalar speed 标量速度 
scalar variable 标量变量 
scalar wave equation 标量波动方程 
scalar wave 标量波 
scalar 标量 
scalar-save register 标量保存寄存器 
scald 烫;用沸水清洗;烫伤 
scale accuracy 比例尺精度 
scale adjustment 比例尺缩放 
scale aggregate 鳞片状集合体 
scale base 比例尺的单位 
scale board 胶合板 
scale buildup 结垢 
scale calibration 尺度标准 
scale coefficient 积垢系数 
scale control 防垢 
scale crystal 水垢晶体 
scale damage 结垢损害 
scale deposit 水垢 
scale deposition 积垢 
scale dissolver 除垢剂 
scale division 分标度 
scale down 缩小比例 
scale drawing 缩尺图 
scale economics 规模经济 
scale effect 尺度效应 
scale equation 标度方程 
scale factoring 标度选配 
scale formation 结垢 
scale forming element 结垢元素 
scale grid lines 比例网格线 
scale index 结垢指数 
scale inhibitor 防垢剂 
scale interval 刻度的格值 
scale limitation 仪表的刻度范围;比例尺限度 
scale load 标准负荷 
scale map 比例图 
scale mark 刻度线 
scale merit 规模利益 
scale microscope 刻度显微镜 
scale model 刻度模型 
scale modeling 比例模拟 
scale nucleation 垢的成核 
scale of earthquake intensities 地震烈度表 
scale pan arrester 天平盘托 
scale pan 天平盘 
scale paper 方格纸 
scale paraffin 片状石蜡;发汗石蜡 
scale platform 台秤 
scale prevention 防垢 
scale producing water 硬水 
scale range adjustment 调整刻度范围 
scale range 示值范围 
scale reading instrument 按刻度读数仪器 
scale removal 除垢;除锈;除鳞 
scale remover 除垢剂 
scale unit 格值;换算电路 
scale up 按比例增大 
scale value 刻度值 
scale wax 粗石蜡 
scale 刻度;标度;温标;比例尺 
scale-change theorem 标度变换定理 
scale-forming compound 结垢化合物 
scale-forming ion 结垢离子 
scale-height 刻度高度 
scale-model analog 比例模型模拟 
scale-of-eight 八进制 
scale-of-sixteen 十六进制 
scale-of-ten circuit 十进制换算电路 
scale-of-ten counter 十分标计数器 
scale-of-two circuit 二进制换算电路 
scale-of-two counter 二分标计数器 
scale-of-two 二进制 
scale-printer 定标器打印机 
scale-removal treatment 除垢处理 
scale-up factor 比例系数 
scale-up problem 工艺过程放大问题 
scaled discriminant vector 标度判别向量 
scaled factor 尺度因子;标度因数 
scaled lab model 比例化实验模型 
scaled model 按比例缩小的模型 
scaled physical model 相似物理模型 
scaled porous media model 相似多孔介质模型 
scaled pulse 定标脉冲 
scalene triangle 不等边三角形 
scalene 不等边三角形;不等边的;斜的;斜角肌的 
scaleplate 刻度板 
scaler analyzer 定标电路分析器 
scaler 计数器 
scaling agent 去垢剂 
scaling analysis 因次分析 
scaling circuit 定标电路;标准电路;计数电路 
scaling coefficient 相似系数 
scaling down 降低计算速度;按比例地减少 
scaling factor 标度因子 
scaling function 定标函数 
scaling index 结垢指数 
scaling law 相似定律 
scaling process 按比例缩放过程 
scaling ratio 标度系数 
scaling switch 缩放开关 
scaling tendency 结垢趋势 
scaling up 按比例增加;增大比例 
Scaliognathus 梯鄂牙形石属 
scallop gun 扇贝式射孔器 
scallop 海扇;浅锅;弄成扇形;粗糙度 
scalloped hollow carrier gun 带有凹坑的空心携弹管射孔枪 
scalloped retrievable gun 扇形可回收射孔器 
scalloped steel carrier 带有凹坑的钢制射孔枪枪身 
scalloping 轴向变化 
scalped anticline 蚀脊背斜 
scalped structure 秃顶构造 
Scalpellodus 刀牙形石属 
scalper 解剖刀 
scaly exfoliation 鳞剥作用 
scaly structure 鳞片状构造 
scaly 鳞状 
scan angle 扫描角 
scan cycle 扫描环 
scan frequency 扫描频率 
scan line 扫描行 
scan mirror 扫描镜 
scan mode 扫描方式 
scan positional distortion 扫描定位畸变 
scan sector 扫描空域 
scan skew 扫描扭曲 
scan 扫描 
scanatron 扫描管 
scandium 钪 
scanister 扫描装置 
scanistor =scanister 
scanned laser infrared microscope 扫描激光红外显微镜 
scanner amplifier 扫描放大器 
scanner distortion 扫描失真 
scanner head 扫描头 
scanner imagery 扫描仪成象 
scanner 扫描设备;扫描机构 
scanning area 扫描区 
scanning array 扫描阵列 
scanning beam 扫描射束 
scanning circuit 扫描电路 
scanning coil 扫描线圈 
scanning densitometry 扫描显象测密术 
scanning device 扫描器 
scanning disk 扫描盘 
scanning electron microanalyzer 扫描电子显微分析仪 
scanning electron micrograph 扫描电子显微摄影 
scanning electron micrography 扫描电子显微摄影术 
scanning electron microprobe 扫描电子探针 
scanning electron microscope 电子扫描显微镜 
scanning electron microscopy 电子扫描显微术 
scanning electron photomicrograph 电子扫描显微摄影 
scanning element 扫描单元 
scanning frame 扫描帧 
scanning gamma spectrometer 扫描伽马谱仪 
scanning generator 扫描发生器 
scanning high energy electron diffraction 扫描高能电子衍射 
scanning image 扫描图象 
scanning imagery 扫描成象 
scanning infrared radiometer 扫描红外辐射计 
scanning ion microscope 扫描离子显微镜 
scanning lens 扫描透镜 
scanning line 扫描线 
scanning linearity 扫描线性 
scanning Lorentz microscopy 洛伦兹扫描显微术 
scanning mechanism 扫描机构 
scanning microdensitometer 扫描显微光密度计 
scanning micrograph 扫描显微图象 
scanning microscope photometer 扫描显微光度计 
scanning microspectrophotometer 扫描显微分光光度计 
scanning mirror 扫描镜 
scanning monitor 扫描控制器 
scanning ocean bottom sonar 海底扫描声呐 
scanning pattern 扫描图样 
scanning pencil of light 扫描光线 
scanning prism 扫描棱镜 
scanning radio 扫描接收机 
scanning radiometer 扫描辐射计 
scanning ray 扫描光线 
scanning reflective microdensitometer 扫描反射显微光密度计 
scanning resolution 扫描分辨率 
scanning sequence 扫描程序 
scanning slit 扫描缝隙 
scanning sonar subsea survey 水下声呐扫描测量 
scanning sonar 扫描声呐 
scanning speed 扫描速度 
scanning spot 扫描光点 
scanning stereoscope 扫描立体镜 
scanning strip 扫描带 
scanning survey 扫描测量 
scanning sweep 扫描 
scanning transmission electron microscope 扫描透射电子显微镜 
scanning transmission microdensitometer 扫描透射显微光密度计 
scanning turbidimetry 扫描比浊法 
scanning velocity 扫描速度 
scanning waveform 扫描波形 
scanning X-ray diffraction micrographic camera 扫描式X射线衍射显微照相机 
scanning X-ray topography 扫描X射线形貌图 
scanning yoke 扫描线圈 
scanning 扫描 
scanning-recording device 扫描记录装置 
scanoite 玻沸碧玄岩 
scantiness 欠缺 
scantling 一点点;标品 
Scaphignathus 舟颚牙形石属 
scaphopoda 掘足类 
scapolite 方柱石 
scapolitization 方柱石化 
scar 伤疤 
scarce product 短线产品 
scarcely ever 极难得 
scarceness 稀少;珍异 
scarcity 缺乏 
scare line 火炬管线 
scares 砂岩中透镜状煤体 
scarf joint 嵌接 
scarf 嵌接;斜嵌槽 
scarfer 钢坯烧剥器;火焰清理机 
scarfing 表面缺陷清除;嵌接;割口 
scarifier 松土机 
scarp 马头丘 
scarp-foot spring 崖麓泉 
scarped plain 梯级平原 
scarped ridge 单斜脊 
scarplet 滑坡 
scarves scarf的复数 
scat rig 焊管架 
scat rig 移动式焊接台 
scatter admittance 散射导纳 
scatter band 散射频带宽度 
scatter diagram 散射图 
scatter echo 散射回波 
scatter matrix 离差阵 
scatter propagation 散射传播 
scatter sheave crow 五滑轮天车 
scatter 散布;扩散 
scattered amplitude 散射振幅 
scattered angle 散射角 
scattered band 散射带 
scattered drilling 分散钻井 
scattered electron 散射电子 
scattered field 散射场 
scattered flooding 点状注水 
scattered gamma rays 散射伽马射线 
scattered noise 散射噪声 
scattered photon 散射光子 
scattered porosity 散射气孔 
scattered power 散射功率 
scattered radiation 散射辐射 
scattered ray 散射线 
scattered reflection 散射反射 
scattered specks 星散状斑点 
scattered vector wave 散射向量波 
scattered waterflood 点状注水 
scattered wave field 散射波场 
scattered wave 散射波 
scattered X-rays 散射X-射线 
scattered 散布的;扩散的;散射的 
scatterer 散射体 
scattergram 中心点图 
scattering body 散射体 
scattering boundary 散射边界 
scattering characteristic 散射特性曲线 
scattering coefficient 散射系数 
scattering collision 散射碰撞 
scattering cross-section 散射截面 
scattering deviation curve 散射偏差曲线 
scattering effect 散射效应 
scattering factor 散射因数 
scattering function 散射函数 
scattering law 散射定律 
scattering layer 散射层 
scattering loss 散射损失 
scattering matrix 散射矩阵 
scattering mean free path 散射平均自由程 
scattering mechanism 散射机制 
scattering medium 散射介质 
scattering nature 扩散性质 
scattering object 散射体 
scattering parameter 散射参数 
scattering particle 散射粒子 
scattering pattern 散射图样 
scattering power 散射功率 
scattering probability 散射概率 
scattering strength 散射强度 
scattering surface 散射面 
scattering topography 散射层析成象 
scattering wave 散射波 
scattering 散布;扩散 
scattering-in 内部散射 
scatterometer 散射计 
scatterometry 散射测量 
scavenge oil pump 污油泵 
scavenge oil 废油 
scavenge pipe 回油管 
scavenge 清除 
scavenger fan 换气扇 
scavenger pump 扫线用泵 
scavenger slurry 冲洗水泥浆 
scavenger 清除剂 
scavenging air 吹扫用空气 
scavenging conduit 吹扫管 
scavenging duct 吹扫管 
scavenging engine 洗除废气发动机 
scavenging line 吹扫管线 
scavenging process 扫油 
scavenging pump 扫线泵 
scavenging solvent bank 扫油溶剂带 
scavenging stroke 清扫冲程 
scavenging tank 吹扫罐 
scavenging 清除;扫气;换气;排污 
SCBA 自给式呼吸器 
SCC 安全控制中心 
SCC 监督控制计算机 
SCC 顺序控制计数器 
SCC 卫星控制中心 
SCC 应力-腐蚀破裂 
SCCF 侧向切削修正系数 
SCE 饱和甘汞电极 
SCE 标准甘汞电极 
scenari scenario的复数 
scenario 情况;剧情 
scend 船舶上升 
scene 景物 
scenery 景物 
scenescope 景象管 
scengei =sungei 
scenioscope =scenescope 
scenograph 透视图 
scenography 透视法 
scent 香气 
scentometer 气味计 
SCF 标准立方英尺 
SCF 应力集中系数 
SCFD 标准英尺??3?日 
SCFH 标准立方英尺小时 
SCFM 标准英尺??3?分 
SCFSTB 标准立方英尺储罐桶 
Sch. NO. 表示管壁厚度系列的号码 
Sch. 学校 
SCHADS 弯曲井眼内的钻柱静态分析 
schalstein 辉绿凝灰岩 
Schauer method 肖尔法 
Sched. 熟铁管编号 
schedule number 表示管壁厚度系列的号码 
schedule of payment 付款清单 
schedule of prices 估价表 
schedule of quantities 数量清单 
schedule time 预定时间 
schedule work 计划工作 
schedule 表 
scheduled consumption 预定消耗量 
scheduled for repair 计划规定修理的;已计划要修理的 
scheduled immobilisation 按计划停输 
scheduled maintenance 计划维修 
scheduled operating time 预定操作时间 
scheduled outage rate 维修停机率 
scheduled outage 检修停机 
scheduled period 预定期 
scheduled production 计划产量 
scheduled shutdown 计划停工 
scheduled stoppage 按计划停输 
scheduled use 按计划使用 
scheduler program 调度程序 
scheduler 程序机;调整程序;调程员 
scheduling 编制进度计划 
scheelite 白钨矿 
schefferite 锰钙辉石 
scheitel 地震波峰 
schema 大纲;图解;概要 
schemata schema的复数 
schematic circuit diagram 线路简图 
schematic diagram 原理图;简图 
schematic drawing 示意图 
schematic figure 略图 
schematic geological map 地质草图 
schematic layout 草图 
schematic magnet 最简单的磁铁 
schematic map 草图 
schematic section 示意剖面 
schematic view 示意图 
schematic 图解的 
scheme 图表 
schemer 计划者 
schererite 板晶蜡 
schernikite 红纤云母 
Schichten 层 
Schiff base polymer 席夫碱聚合物 
schillerfels 顽火橄榄岩 
schilling 先令 
Schismatosporites 裂沟粉属 
schist arenite 片岩屑砂屑岩 
schist 片岩 
schistoclastic structure 片岩状碎裂构造 
schistoid 似片岩状 
schistose clay 片状粘土 
schistose granular 片粒状 
schistose grit 片状粗砂岩 
schistose structure 片状构造 
schistose texture 片状结构 
schistose 片状 
schistosity 片理 
schizohaline 盐质分开 
schizolite 锰针钠钙石 
schizoliths 分异岩脉 
schlanite 醚脱脂沥青 
schlieren photograph 纹影摄影 
schlieren photography 纹影摄影术 
schlieren 条纹 
Schlumberger electrode array 斯仑贝谢电极系 
Schmidt diagram 施密特图 
schmidt field balance 施密特磁秤 
schmidt net 施密特网络 
schmidt number 施密特数 
schmidt plot polar 施密特极坐标图 
schmidt plot 施密特图 
schmidt projection 施密特投影 
schmidt trigger circuit 施密特触发电路 
schmidt's field balance 施密特磁秤 
schnorkel 通气管 
schnozzle 爆炸杆 
schohartite 重晶石 
scholar 学者;奖学金获得者;有文化者 
scholarship 学术 
schoolaeroplane 教练机 
schoolship 教练舰 
Schopfipollenites 薛式粉属 
Schopfites 薛式三缝孢属 
Schorenbergite 黝白霓霞斑岩 
schorl 黑电气石 
schorlamit 钛榴石 
schorlite =schorl 
schorlomite 钛榴石 
schort 回线 
schott 浅盐湖 
schottky diode 肖特基二极管 
schriesheimite 辉闪橄榄岩 
Schrodinger equation 薛定谔方程 
Schuler oscillation 舒勒振荡 
Schuler period 舒勒周期 
Schuler-tuned stabilized platform 舒勒调谐稳定平台 
Schulzospora 许式孢属 
schumann resonance 舒曼共振 
schungite 不纯石墨 
schuppen structure 叠瓦构造 
Schur algorithm 舒尔算法 
Schur inversion method 舒尔反演法 
sch?nfelsite 苦橄玢岩 
SCI 固相控制指数 
Sci 科学 
SCI 科学文献索引 
SCI 平流层循环指数 
SCI 孢子染色指标 
Sciadopityspollenites 金松粉属 
sciagram X射线照片 
sciagraph 投影图;房屋纵断面图;X射线照片 
sciagraphy 投影法;房屋纵断面图;星影计时法;X射线照相术 
science citation index 科学文献索引 
science fiction 科学幻想 
science 科学;科学研究;学科;自然科学;专门的技巧 
scienology 科学学 
scientific and technical forecast 科学技术预测 
scientific and technical information 科技信息 
scientific and technical literature 科技文献 
scientific approach 科学方法 
scientific computer 科学计算机 
Scientific Design method 科学设计公司法 
scientific effort 科研计划;科研工作 
scientific epitomization 科学概括 
scientific experiment 科学实验 
scientific information 科学信息 
scientific management 科学管理 
scientific payoffs 科研成果 
scientific research 科学研究 
scientific symposium 科学讨论会 
scientific-technical progress 科技进步 
scientism 科学态度 
scientist 科学家 
scintigram 闪烁;闪烁图;扫描图 
scintilla 火花;闪烁;微分子;少量 
scintillater 闪烁器 
scintillating crystal 闪烁晶体 
scintillation analysis 闪烁分析 
scintillation chamber 闪烁室 
scintillation counter 闪烁计数器 
scintillation counting 闪烁计数 
scintillation crystal 闪烁晶体 
scintillation detecter system 闪烁探测系统 
scintillation detector 闪烁探测器 
scintillation gamma ray tool 闪烁自然伽马测井仪 
scintillation logging 闪烁测井 
scintillation probe 闪烁探头 
scintillation pulse 闪烁脉冲 
scintillation spectrometer 闪烁谱仪 
scintillation 闪烁 
scintillator prospecting radiation meter 探矿闪烁辐射计 
scintillator slow neutron detector 闪烁体慢中子探测器 
scintillator 闪烁器;闪烁体 
scintillogger 测井闪烁计数器 
scintillometer 闪烁计数器 
scintilloscope 闪烁镜 
scintiscan 闪烁扫描;闪烁检查 
scintiscanner 闪烁扫描机 
scirpus peat 芦苇泥炭 
scissel 切屑;金属板的余料 
scission 切断;分离;裂变;剪裂 
scissor tongs 剪式大钳 
scissors fault 旋转断层 
scissors 剪刀;剪形装置 
scissure 裂开 
sclerethryrin 麦角红质 
scleretinite 黑沥青树脂 
sclerine 外孢壁 
sclerite 钙质体 
sclerization 硬化作用 
sclero- 硬 
scleroglucan 硬葡聚糖 
sclerometer 硬度计 
sclerometric hardness 用硬度计测定的硬度 
scleroprotein 硬蛋白 
scleroscope hardness test 肖氏硬度试验 
scleroscope hardness 回跳硬度 
scleroscope =sclerometer 
scleroscopic hardness 回跳硬度 
sclerotia 菌核 
sclerotinite 菌类体 
sclerotite 微菌核煤 
sclerotium 菌核;硬化体 
sclerotoids 菌核体 
sclerynchyma 灰质骨胳 
sclsrote 菌核体 
SCM 标准立方米 
SCN 最大最小值扫描 
SCNR 信号与野外队干扰噪声之比 
SCO 置位时间计数器 
scobs 锯屑;刨花 
scolecite 钙沸石 
Scolopodus 尖牙形石属 
scoop chisel insert 勺形齿 
scoop loader 勺斗式装车机;铲斗装载机 
scoop 勺子 
scooped lake 侵蚀湖 
scooter 滑行车 
scope in chop mode 斩波型显示器 
scope of a mooring line 锚索的长深比 
scope of business 经营范围 
scope of cover 投保范围 
scope of insurance coverage 投保范围 
scope of investment 投资率 
scope of project 项目范围 
scope of work 作业范围 
scope pole 折叠式井架延伸部 
scope 范围 
scopometer 视测浊度计 
scopometry 视测浊度测定法 
Scopulimorpha 墙状叠层石属 
scopulite 羽雏晶 
SCOR 信号校正程序 
scorch retarder 防焦烧剂 
scorch test 焦烧试验 
scorch 烧焦 
scorching 过早硫化;灼热的;烧焦似的 
score of firings 多次燃烧 
score 刻痕;划线 
scoria 火山渣 
scoriaceous texture 渣状结构 
scoriae scoria的复数 
scorification 铅析金银法 
scorifier 试金坩埚;渣化皿 
scoring filamentation 断痕 
scoring test 胶合试验 
scoring 划线 
scorn 藐视 
scorzalite 铁天蓝石 
Scotch coal 苏格兰煤 
scotch tape test 胶带试验 
scotch 刻痕切口;木锲;障碍物;切 
Scotch 苏格兰的;苏格兰人;苏格兰语 
scotograph 射线照片;暗中写字器 
scotography 暗室显影 
scotophor 磷光熄灭器;阴极射线致色体 
Scott viscosimeter 斯氏粘度计 
Scottella 斯科牙形石属 
Scottgnathus 斯科特鄂牙形石属 
scour cast 冲刷铸型 
scour channel 冲刷水道 
scour finger 指状冲刷痕 
scour lineation 冲刷线状脊 
scour mark 冲刷痕 
scour pit 冲刷坑 
scour pool 冲刷潭 
scour trough 冲刷槽 
scour 冲刷 
scour-and-fill feature 冲淤构造 
scour-and-fill structure 冲淤构造 
scoured base 冲刷底 
scourer 洗刷器;谷物脱皮机 
scouring action 冲刷;侵蚀 
scouring 冲刷 
scout ticket 侦获资料卡;井史卡 
scout 初步勘探者;搜索 
scouting a well 搜集油井资料 
scoutplane 侦查机 
scow 敞舱驳船 
SCR drive system 可控硅传动系统 
SCR powered drilling rigs 可控硅钻机 
SCR 半导体可控整流器 
SCR 可控硅整流器 
Scr 筛 
Scr 筛分 
scram 快速断开;紧急刹车;迅速停止或关闭反应堆 
scramble 攀爬;争夺;使混杂 
scrambler 编码器 
scramjet 超音速冲压式喷气发动机 
scrap build 设备改装 
scrap grinder 残次废料粉碎机 
scrap iron 废铁 
scrap metal 废金属 
scrap pipe 切余管 
scrap value 废料值 
scrap 废料 
scrap-iron box 下脚料箱 
scrapable 可清除的 
scrape materials 碎片;点滴 
scrape 刮 
scraped line 清管过的管线 
scraper blade pig 带刮刀清管器 
scraper blade 刮板 
scraper chain conveyer 链板运输机 
scraper conveyer 刮板运输机 
scraper cup 刮管杯 
scraper pan 铲斗 
scraper pig 刮刀清管器 
scraper ring 油环 
scraper signaller 清管器信号装置 
scraper station 清管器收发站 
scraper trap 刮管器取出装置 
scraper 刮刀 
scraperman 铲土机司机 
scraping ability 刮能力 
scraping action 刮削作用 
scraping material 清管材料 
scraping 擦 
scrapings 刮屑 
scrapped parts 报废零件 
scratch brush 钢丝刷 
scratch file 暂时停用文件 
scratch hardness 刻划硬度 
scratch machine 刻痕机 
scratch mark 刮痕 
scratch test 刻划硬度试验 
scratch 擦痕 
scratched pebble 擦痕卵石 
scratcher 刮子 
scratching 刮痕 
scratchpad memory 暂时存储器 
scratchpad 超高速中间结果存储器 
screak 发出尖锐刺耳的声音;尖锐刺耳的声音 
scream 尖叫 
screaming 振荡;啸声;振动 
scree 山麓碎石 
screech 叫喊;尖锐刺耳声;呼啸 
screen actinic efficiency 荧光屏发光效率 
screen afterglow 光屏余辉 
screen analysis 筛析 
screen aperture 筛孔 
screen blinding 筛堵 
screen board 屏板 
screen body 筛管主体 
screen casing annulus 筛管-套管环空 
screen cloth protector 筛布保护垫 
screen cloth 筛布 
screen color 屏色 
screen conductance 筛网透液能力 
screen constant 屏蔽常数 
screen construction 筛管结构 
screen current 屏极电流 
screen cutting 筛管冲蚀 
screen design 筛管设计 
screen display 屏幕显示 
screen dissipation 帘栅损耗 
screen effect 屏蔽效应 
screen fabricating machine 筛管制造机 
screen factor 屏蔽因数 
screen filter 滤网;筛滤器 
screen flow capacity 筛管流通能力 
screen formation annulus 筛管-裸眼环形空间 
screen generator 屏幕生成程序 
screen grid 帘栅极 
screen guage 筛管绕丝间隙 
screen hookup 筛管装置 
screen insertion 筛管下入 
screen interval 下筛管的层段 
screen jacket 筛套 
screen joint 筛管单根 
screen liner casing pack 筛管-套管环形空间的充填 
screen liner 带眼衬管;滤管 
screen mesh 筛孔 
screen number 筛孔目数 
screen opening 筛管绕丝间隙 
screen out pressure 充填结束时的压力 
screen pack 过滤网组合 
screen persistence 光屏稳定性;光屏余辉 
screen pipe opening 筛管缝隙 
screen pipe 滤管 
screen plate 筛选板;过滤板 
screen residue 筛渣 
screen section 筛管部分 
screen segment 筛管部分 
screen separator 筛式分离器 
screen size 筛孔大小 
screen sizing 筛管尺寸设计 
screen slip system 筛管卡瓦装置 
screen storage time 荧光屏余辉时间 
screen tailings 筛余物 
screen test 筛分试验 
screen 滤网;滤器 
screen-color characteristic 荧光屏色谱特性 
screen-grid charasteristic 帘栅极特性 
screen-grid current 帘栅极电流 
screen-grid modulation 帘栅极调制 
screen-grid tetrode 帘栅管 
screen-grid tube 帘栅管 
screen-out 滤砂 
screen-shaker 振动筛 
screen-tailpipe annulus 筛管-冲管环空 
screen-wall counter 屏蔽计数器 
screened cable 屏蔽电缆 
screened oil accumulation 遮挡油藏 
screened oil pool 遮挡油藏 
screened pipe 衬管 
screened port 筛网孔眼;装有筛网的孔 
screened room 屏蔽室 
screening agent 掩蔽剂 
screening analysis 筛选分析 
screening angle 屏蔽角 
screening behavior 屏蔽特点 
screening can 屏蔽外壳 
screening constant 屏蔽常数 
screening doublet 屏蔽偶极天线 
screening effect 屏蔽效应 
screening experiment 筛选实验 
screening factor 屏蔽系数 
screening glass 护目镜片 
screening parameter 筛选参数 
screening specifications 筛选规格 
screening test 筛选试验 
screening 筛选 
screenings 筛余物 
screw blade 螺旋桨叶 
screw bolt 螺栓 
screw box 螺丝盒 
screw brake 螺旋制动器;螺杆闸 
screw caliper 螺旋测径器 
screw cap 螺丝帽 
screw casing anchor packer 用螺纹装置撑开及收缩的套管封隔器 
screw clamp 螺旋夹 
screw compressor 螺杆压缩机 
screw conveyer 螺旋运输器 
screw coupling 螺旋连接器 
screw die 螺纹绞板 
screw disc 螺旋桨盘 
screw down 下拧 
screw extractor 断螺钉联出器 
screw extruder 螺旋挤压机 
screw fastening 螺钉连接 
screw feeder 螺旋给料机 
screw filter 螺旋滤波器 
screw finisher 螺旋后缩聚器 
screw flange coupling 螺纹法兰联管节 
screw flange 螺栓连接法兰 
screw gauge 螺旋规 
screw grab guide 打捞公锥导向器 
screw grab 打捞公锥 
screw grinder 螺纹磨床 
screw home 拧到头 
screw jack 螺旋千斤顶 
screw joint casing 螺纹连接套管 
screw joint 螺纹连接 
screw micrometer 螺旋测微器 
screw motion 螺旋运动 
screw off 卸扣 
screw on 上扣 
screw out 拧出 
screw packer 旋转密封封隔器 
screw pipe union 螺纹管节 
screw pitch gage 螺距规 
screw plug 螺旋塞;螺纹堵头 
screw port 螺旋塞口 
screw press 调压螺杆 
screw propeller 螺旋桨 
screw protector 护丝 
screw pump 螺杆泵 
screw rack 螺旋齿条 
screw retention 螺钉固定 
screw rod 丝杆 
screw rolling machine 滚丝机 
screw shaft 尾轴 
screw thread gage 螺纹卡规 
screw together 拧接 
screw top 螺旋盖 
screw tuner 螺旋式调谐器 
screw type core pusher 螺旋式顶岩心工具 
screw type 螺旋式的 
screw up 拧上 
screw wrench 螺钉板手 
screw 螺钉 
screw-cutting machine 螺纹切削机床 
screw-in type tungsten carbide nozzles 拧入式碳化钨喷嘴 
screw-melter-fed spinning machine 螺杆式熔化器喂料纺丝机 
screw-plug fuse 旋入式保险丝 
screw-thread miller 螺纹铣床 
screw-thread rolling machine 螺纹滚轧机 
screwdriver potentiometer 改锥调的电位器 
screwdriver 改锥 
screwed coupling 螺纹联轴器 
screwed joint 螺纹连接 
screwed nipple 螺纹接头 
screwed on 拧上的 
screwing machine 螺纹车床 
screwthread 螺纹 
scribbler 粗梳机 
scribe test 划线试验 
scribe 缮写;划痕 
scribed line 刻线 
scriber 划片器;划线器 
scribing block 划线盘 
scribing shoe 划线鞋 
script 手迹;手写体;手稿;正本 
scripture 手稿;文件 
scroll bar 涡形沙坝 
scroll meander 内侧堆积曲流 
scroll tube 假捻管;假捻器 
scroll 涡 
scroop 轧轧的响声;轧轧地响 
scrooping 丝呜 
scrub solution 洗提剂 
scrub 擦洗 
scrubber tank 涤气罐 
scrubber 洗涤器 
scrubbing plant 涤气装置 
scrubbing tower 涤气塔 
scrubbing 洗涤 
scruff 颈背;锡渣 
scrunch 碾碎;咬碎;缩紧;使弯曲;蜷缩 
scruple 迟疑;顾虑 
scrutiny program 检查程序 
scrutiny 精细研究 
SCS 槽状交错层理 
SCS 硅可控开关 
SCSSV 地面控制的井下安全阀 
SCTS 水下连续油管系统 
SCUBA 自足式水下呼吸器 
scud 飞奔;飞云;飞沫;顺风行驶 
scuff 划伤;咬接;磨损 
scuffing 擦伤 
sculpture 雕刻;雕塑;雕刻品;刻蚀 
scum pump 泥渣泵 
scum rubber 泡沫橡胶 
scum 泡沫 
scummer 除渣勺 
scupper plug 排水孔的堵头 
scupper 排水孔;排水管 
scutch 石工小锤;清棉 
scutcher 清棉机;打麻机;开幅机 
scuttle 人孔;人孔盖;小舱口;煤斗 
Scutula 盾牙形石属 
SCW 标准铜线 
scyelite 闪云橄榄岩 
Scyphiodus 菱牙形石属 
Scythian 赛特阶 
Sd SG 砂岩有气显示 
Sd SO 砂岩有油显示 
SD 标准偏差 
SD 缓慢降解 
SD 火花放电器 
sd 截面图 
sd 砂岩 
SD 室间分集 
SD 停工 
SD 下入深度 
sd 整拉的 
SDC 钢质钻铤 
SDC 潜水舱 
SDC 数字声波井下电子线路 
SDDS 侧驱动钻井系统 
SDEV 标准偏差 
SDF 空间定向滤波器 
SDI 污泥密度指数 
SDL 能谱密度测井 
SDLC 同步数据链路控制 
SDO 停工待命 
SDON 通宵停工 
SDPA 停工封堵弃井 
SDR parity 特别提款权平价 
SDR standard 特别提款权本位 
SDR 软件缺陷报告 
SDR 斯仑贝谢道尔研究中心 
SDR 特别提款权 
SDR 停工修理 
SDS 十二烷基磺酸钠 
SDT 声波时差 
SDT 数字声波测井仪 
SDV 关闭阀 
SDW 停工等天气 
SDWO 停工待命 
sdy li 砂质灰岩 
sdy sh 砂质页岩 
sdy 砂质的;含砂的 
SE 备用机器 
SE 东南 
SE 工程师学会 
Se 硒 
SE 系统工程 
sea air corrosion 海洋大气腐蚀 
sea anchor 垂锚 
sea approach 近海 
sea area 海域 
sea arm 海湾 
sea atmosphere corrosion 海洋大气腐蚀 
sea bank 防波堤 
sea basin 海盆 
sea bed coring 海床取心 
sea bed echo 海底回声 
sea bed movement 海底移动 
sea bed 海床 
sea book 航海图 
sea boring 海洋钻探 
sea bottom survey 海底勘测 
sea bottom 海底 
sea buoy 标识港口或航道口最外边的浮标 
sea canal 通海运河 
sea chart 海图 
sea chest 海水柜 
sea clutter suppression 海波干扰压制 
sea clutter 海面散射干扰 
sea compass 航海罗盘 
sea condition 海况 
sea damage 海损 
sea duty 在海上钻机作业 
sea echo 海面回波 
sea effect 海洋效应 
sea embankment 防潮堤 
sea facies 海相 
sea fan 海底扇 
sea fastening 适航固定 
sea floor high 海底高地 
sea floor storage facility 海底储油设施 
sea floor 海底 
sea front 海岸 
sea going capability 适航性 
sea gravimeter 海洋重力仪 
sea height 海水高度 
sea horizon 海平线 
sea horse 海马式 
sea ice 海冰 
sea inlet 海港 
sea island fiber 海岛型纤维 
sea keeping quality 适航性 
sea level elevation 海拔高度 
sea level fluctuation 海面变动 
sea level height 海拔高度;潮高 
sea level 海平面 
sea life 海洋生物 
sea line 海岸线;海底管线;水下管道 
sea meadow 咸水沼泽 
sea noise 海洋噪声 
sea passage 海路 
sea pendulum 海洋重力摆仪 
sea range 海底山脉 
sea retreating 海退 
sea return 海面反射信号 
sea ridge 海岭 
sea risk 海险 
sea route 海路 
sea sands 砂质海滩 
sea slide 海底滑坡 
sea slope 向海陆坡 
sea spray 浪花 
sea state 波浪等级 
sea surface ghost 海面虚反射 
sea surface 海面 
sea term 航海用语 
sea terminal 海上浮码头 
sea terrace 海成阶地 
sea trail 海上试航 
sea triangulation 海上三角测量 
sea valve 通海阀 
sea water corrosion test 海水腐蚀试验 
sea wax 软沥青 
sea 海洋 
sea-bed sonar survey system 海底声呐探测装置 
sea-bed topography 海底地貌 
sea-bottom contour 等深线 
sea-bottom gravimeter 海底重力仪 
sea-bottom multiple 海底多次波 
sea-bottom profile 海底剖面 
sea-floor diffractors 海底绕射面 
sea-floor spreading 海底扩张 
sea-floor trench 海沟 
sea-floor valley 海底谷 
sea-going tug 海上拖轮 
sea-ice field 浮冰区 
sea-ice penetrometer 插入式海冰厚度测定计 
sea-mount 海山 
sea-port bulk station 海港油库 
sea-water mud 海水泥浆 
seabeach 海滩 
seabed anode 海床阳极 
seabed drilling gear 海底钻井井口装置 
seabed preparation 海床处理 
seabed scouring 海床冲刷 
seabed transponder 海底应答器 
seaboard 海岸 
seaborne bottom gravimeter 海底重力仪 
seabottom plain 海底平原 
seacraft 海轮;航海术 
seadamaged goods 海损货 
seadrome 海上机场 
seafarer 海员 
seafaring 干航海事业的;航海业 
seafloor bearing capacity 海底承压能力 
seafloor density 海底密度 
seagoing pipeline 海底管道 
seagoing tanker 海洋油轮 
seahigh 海底高地 
seaknoll 海丘 
seal ability 密封能力 
seal assembly 密封组件 
seal boot 封闭套 
seal bore extension 密封筒加长短节 
seal bore 密封孔 
seal coat 封层 
seal construction rope 带芯股钢索 
seal curtain 油罐浮顶密封圈装置 
seal disc 密封盘 
seal element 密封元件 
seal extension 密封加长短节 
seal flange 密封法兰 
seal friction 密封摩擦 
seal hanger 密封悬架 
seal in 封入 
seal joint 密封接头 
Seal Law Convention 海洋法公约 
seal leakage 密封泄漏 
seal load 密封载荷 
seal nipple 密封接头 
seal off 封堵 
seal pad 密封板 
seal pipe 主气管线中的水封阀 
seal protector ring 密封防护垫环 
seal receptacle 密封座 
seal ring 密封环 
seal rock 密封岩 
seal section 密封段 
seal stack 一组密封 
seal steam 汽封蒸汽 
seal sub 密封接头 
seal valve 密封阀 
seal weld 密封焊道 
seal welding 密封焊接 
seal 封 
sealab experiment 海洋实验室试验 
sealab 海洋试验室 
sealable tank 密封罐 
sealant 密封剂 
Seale 西鲁结构 
sealed against 封住 
sealed bearing rock bit 密封轴承牙轮钻头 
sealed bearings 密封轴承 
sealed bid 密封投标 
sealed chamber 密封筒 
sealed coring 密闭取心 
sealed fault 闭合断层 
sealed fracture 闭合裂缝 
sealed journal bearing 密封滑动轴承 
sealed package 密封包装 
sealed proposal 密封投标 
sealed relay 密封式继电器 
sealed reservoir 封闭储集层 
sealed tube 密封管 
sealed 封闭的 
sealer 密封器;密封垫;保护层;检验员 
sealift 海上接运 
sealing ability 密封能力 
sealing adaptor 密封接头 
sealing bearing 密封轴承 
sealing bellows 密封用波纹管 
sealing bore 密封筒 
sealing bush 密封衬套 
sealing characteristics 封堵性能 
sealing compound 密封膏 
sealing core drill 密闭取心 
sealing element 密封元件;封闭胶心 
sealing fault 封闭断层 
sealing field zone 封闭油田区 
sealing film 密封薄膜 
sealing fluid 密封液 
sealing gland 密封压盖 
sealing liquid 密封液 
sealing mechanism 密封机构 
sealing oil system 封油系统 
sealing pad 密封盘 
sealing process 封闭作用 
sealing property 密封性能 
sealing regenerative-type air preheater 密封回热式空气预热器 
sealing ring 密封环 
sealing run 封底焊道 
sealing signal 密封信号 
sealing socket 密封座 
sealing surface 密封面 
sealing wax 封蜡 
sealing 密封 
sealing-in 焊接 
sealing-off 脱焊 
sealing-on 焊上 
sealing-wax flow 封蜡流 
sealing-wax structure 封蜡构造 
seam welder 缝焊机 
seam welding 缝焊接 
seam 缝 
seaman 海员 
seamanship 航海术 
seamark 航海标志 
seamarsh 滨海沼泽 
seamen seaman的复数 
seamer 缝纫机;封口机;缝纫工 
seaming 用弯边法使两个板料连接;接缝 
seamless casing 无缝套管 
seamless steel tube 无缝钢管 
seamless tube 无缝管 
seamless 无缝的 
seamount chain 海山链 
seamount range 海底山脉 
seapeak 海底峰 
seaplane 水上飞机 
seaport 海港 
seaquake 海震 
sear 干枯的 
search after 找寻 
search angle 搜索角 
search coil 探查线圈 
search direction vector 搜索方向向量 
search for oil 勘查石油 
search interval 探索区间 
search lamp 探照灯 
search length 搜索长度 
search out 查出 
search procedure 搜索法 
search 勘查;研究 
searcher 搜索器 
searching unit 探头 
searching 搜索;严密的 
searchlight unit 消防照明车 
searchlight 探照灯 
Searle viscometer 塞尔粘度计 
Searlesite 水硅硼钠石 
seasat 海洋卫星 
seascan marine radar 船上无线电定位站 
seashore 海滨 
seasickness 晕船 
seaside 海滨 
season cracking 老化开裂 
season wind 季风 
season 季 
seasonal adjustment 季节性调整 
seasonal cycle 季节周期 
seasonal demand 季节性需求 
seasonal grades 季节级别 
seasonal growth 季节生长 
seasonal lake 季节湖 
seasonal load line 季节载重线 
seasonal move 季节变动 
seasonal ratio 季节性比率 
seasonal relation 季节关系 
seasonal stream 季节性河流 
seasonal variation 季节性变动 
seasonal wind 季节风 
seasonal zone 季节带 
seasonal 季节性;周期性 
seasoned timber 干木材 
seasoning 风干;老化 
seastrand 海岸 
seat belt 座位安全带 
seat earth 根土岩 
seat pocket 坐槽 
seat reamer 阀座修整铰刀 
seat retainer 座圈;阀座护圈 
seat ring 阀座圈 
seat rock 根土岩 
seat shear pin 球座剪切销 
seat stone 根土岩 
seat valve 座阀 
seat wrench 阀座松紧扳手 
seat 座 
Seatask unit 海洋作业设备 
seater 座式 
seating cup body 密封皮碗套 
seating cup 密封皮碗 
seating nipple 座节 
seating position 坐落位置 
seating shoe 底座 
seating 座 
seawall 防波堤 
seaward 向海的 
seawater deaeration 海水脱氧 
seawater encroachment 海水入侵 
seawater filter 海水滤器 
seawater flood project 海水驱方案 
seawater injection 注海水 
seawater intrusion 海水入侵 
seawater lift pump 海水提升泵 
seawater treatment plant 海水处理站 
seaway force 浪力 
seaway 海道 
seaweed theory 海藻成油说 
seaweed 海藻 
seaworthiness 适于航海 
seaworthy ship 适航性好的船舶 
seaworthy 能航海的 
sebacate 癸二酸盐 
sebaceous 脂肪的 
sebastianite 黑云钙长岩 
sebcha 盐沼 
SEbE 东南微东 
sebja =sebjet 盐沼 
sebkha =sebkra 盐沼 
SEbS 东南微南 
SEC 空间排阻色谱 
SEC 趋肤效应校正 
SEC 线圈系误差校正 
sec-butyl alcohol 仲丁醇 
sec. ar. 截面积 
sec. 部分;截面 
sec. 二次的;次的;二次绕组 
sec. 秒 
sec. 正割 
secant conic chart 割圆锥投影地图 
secant meridian 割经线 
secant method 割线方法 
secant projection 正割射影 
secant Young's modulus 割线弹性模量 
secant 正割 
SECDED 单错校正双错检测 
Secenov's coefficient 谢赛诺夫系数 
secernment 区分;鉴别;分开 
sechron 层序年龄 
seclusion 隔离 
secohm 秒欧 
secohmmeter 电感表 
secohopane 断藿烷 
second anode 第二阳极 
second arrival 续至波 
second cosmic velocity 第二宇宙速度 
second critical angle 第二临界角 
second crop oil 二茬油 
second crop 再运移;次生出露物 
second cycle basin 二次循环盆地 
second deformation 第二期变形 
second derivative calculation 二次微商计算 
second derivative 二阶导数 
second development 二次显影 
second harmonic distortion 二次谐波失真 
second iteration 二次迭代 
second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律 
second mate 二副 
second member 右端 
second moment norm 二阶矩范数 
second mortgage 第二抵押 
second officer 二副 
second order buckling 二次弯曲 
second order difference 二阶差分 
second order differential equation 二阶微分方程 
second order effect 二次项效应 
second order linear differential equation 二阶线性微分方程 
second order loop 二阶环路 
second order reaction 二级反应 
second order transition temperature 二级转变温度 
second order transition 二级转化 
second parameter 二次参数 
second phase 次相 
second power 二次幂 
second rank tensor 二级张量 
second spinning reel 第二导丝盘 
second spreading-center 次级扩张中心 
second time derivative 二阶时间导数 
second track 第二道 
second twist 复捻 
second 秒;第二;次的 
second-channel interference 第二波道干扰 
second-derivative map 二次微商图 
second-order cycle 二级旋回 
second-order Doppler shift 二次多普勒位移 
second-order fault zone 二级断层带 
second-order fold 次级褶皱 
second-order multiples 二阶多次波 
second-order ringing 二次鸣震 
second-order splitting 二级分裂 
second-order structure zone 二级构造带 
second-order surface multiple 地面二次波 
second-order thrust 二级冲断层 
second-phase fold 第二幕褶皱 
second-stage separator 二级分离器 
second-twist-throwing frame 复捻捻丝机 
secondaries 二次波 
secondary acetate 次级醋酯纤维 
secondary air 二次风 
secondary alcohol 仲醇 
secondary alkalinity 次生碱性 
secondary alternating magnetic field 二次交变磁场 
secondary amine 仲胺 
secondary anomaly 次生异常 
secondary arc 次生弧 
secondary backfill 二次回填 
secondary battery 蓄电池 
secondary beneficiary 第二受益人 
secondary breccia 次生角砾岩 
secondary building unit 二级构造单元 
secondary calibration 二级刻度 
secondary carbon 仲碳原子 
secondary cell 蓄电池 
secondary cementing 第二次注水泥 
secondary coil 副线圈 
secondary combustion 二次燃烧 
secondary conductor 二次导体 
secondary consolidation 二次固结 
secondary constraint 次要约束条件 
secondary control 二等控制 
secondary cracking 二次裂化 
secondary creep 第二潜伸 
secondary current 次生电流 
secondary cyclone 二级旋风分离器 
secondary depletion 二次采油 
secondary deposit 次生矿床 
secondary dispersion halo 次生分散晕 
secondary drainage curve 二次排泄曲线 
secondary effect 副效应 
secondary energy 二次能源 
secondary enlargement 次生扩大 
secondary enrichment zone 次生富集带 
secondary era 中生代 
secondary excitation 二次激发 
secondary exploitation 二次采油 
secondary explosive 传爆炸药 
secondary extinction 次级消光 
secondary fault block 次级断块 
secondary fault 次生断层 
secondary field 二次场 
secondary filtration 二次过滤 
secondary fissure 次生裂缝 
secondary flood 注水二次开采 
secondary flow 二次流 
secondary flowage 滑移流动 
secondary fluorescence 次生荧光 
secondary foci 次焦点 
secondary fold 次生褶皱 
secondary fossil 次生化石 
secondary fracture 次生裂缝 
secondary free-gas cap 次生游离气顶 
secondary gas cap 次生气顶 
secondary gas recovery 二次采气 
secondary gas-oil pool 次生油气藏 
secondary gelling agent 二次胶凝剂 
secondary geosyncline 次生地槽;后成地槽 
secondary group 中生界 
secondary industry 第二产业 
secondary instrument 二次仪表 
secondary interstice 次生孔隙 
secondary isochron 二次等时线 
secondary kick 次生井涌 
secondary leached porosity 次生淋滤孔隙度 
secondary leakage 二次泄漏 
secondary liability 第二责任债务 
secondary limestone 次生石灰岩 
secondary lobe 旁瓣 
secondary magnetic field 次生磁场 
secondary mantle flow model 次生地幔流模式 
secondary market 次级市场;二级市场 
secondary memory 辅助存储器 
secondary meridian 副子午线 
secondary migration 二次运移 
secondary mineral 次生矿物 
secondary miscible flood 二次混相驱油 
secondary modulation 二次调制 
secondary noise 次生噪声 
secondary oil generation theory 二次生油说 
secondary oil recovery 二次采油 
secondary oil removal tank 二次除油罐 
secondary oil response rate 二次开采见效油产量 
secondary oil-gas pool 次生油气藏 
secondary operating standard 二级操作标准 
secondary option 第二选件 
secondary order fault 次级断层 
secondary origin 次生成因 
secondary orogeny 次生造山运动 
secondary outgrowth cementation 再生生长胶结 
secondary performance 二次开采动态 
secondary phase factor 二次相位因子 
secondary phase of oil production 二次采油阶段 
secondary plasticizer 助增塑剂;次级增塑剂 
secondary pore system 次生孔隙 
secondary pores 次生孔隙 
secondary porosity index log 次生孔隙度指数测井 
secondary porosity index 次生孔隙度指数 
secondary porosity 次生孔隙度 
secondary precipitate 二次沉淀 
secondary processing 二次加工 
secondary product 副产品 
secondary production 二次开采 
secondary publications 二次文献 
secondary pulse 二次冲击 
secondary radiation effect 二次辐射效应 
secondary reaction 二次反应 
secondary recovery factor 二次采收率 
secondary recovery method 二次开采法 
secondary recovery mode 二次开采模式 
secondary recovery operation 二次采油作业 
secondary recovery stage 二次开采阶段 
secondary recovery waterflood 二次开采注水 
secondary recovery 二次开采 
secondary recycling 二次再生 
secondary reference fuel 副标准燃料 
secondary reflection 次级反射 
secondary refraction 续至折射 
secondary replacement 次生交代 
secondary reserves 二次可采储量 
secondary resinite 次生树脂体 
secondary risk 次级风险;派生风险 
secondary rock 次生岩 
secondary roof seal 浮顶二次密封 
secondary salinity 次生盐度 
secondary silica cementation 次生二氧化硅胶结 
secondary silica outgrowth 次生硅质增生 
secondary standard 二次标准 
secondary steam 二次蒸汽 
secondary storage 辅助存储器 
secondary store 辅助储备 
secondary stratification 次生层理 
secondary stratigraphic trap 次生地层圈闭 
secondary stress 次应力 
secondary structure 次生构造 
secondary suspended solids 次生悬浮物 
secondary tectonic overlap 次生构造超覆 
secondary tectonite 次生构造岩 
secondary treating 二次处理 
secondary tube waves 二次管波 
secondary unconformity trap 次生不整合圈闭 
secondary undulation 副振动 
secondary units 二级单位 
secondary voltage 次级电压 
secondary volumetric sweep efficiency 二次采油体积波及系数 
secondary water 次生水 
secondary waterflood reserves 注水二次采油储量 
secondary wave 次波 
secondary wind girder 加强圈 
secondary winding 次级绕组 
secondary 次要的 
Secondary 第二纪;中生代的;仲;二代 
secondrate optimization method 次优化方法 
seconds counter 秒表 
seconds Saybolt Furol 赛氏重油粘度秒 
seconds Saybolt Universal 赛氏通用粘度秒 
secqt 秒夸脱 
secrecy and confidentiality clause 保密条款 
secrecy 秘密;保密;隐蔽 
secret code 密码 
secret of the trade 商业秘密 
secretariat 秘书组 
secretary general 秘书长 
secretary 书记;秘书;干事;大臣;部长 
secrete 分泌;分泌物;隐藏 
secretion 分泌;空隙充填 
secretive 保密的;分泌的 
SECT line 趋肤效应伴热管线 
SECT 趋肤效应伴热 
sect. 部分;节;段 
sectile 可切的 
section drawing 剖面图 
section gauge logging 井径测井 
section gauge 剖面规;截面测量 
section house 工区房屋 
section line 剖面线;分区线;截线 
section mill cutter 套管磨铣工具 
section mill 截面铣鞋 
section milling 分段磨铣 
section model 剖面模型 
section modulus 断面模数 
section modulus 剖面模数 
section multiple 层间多次反射 
section of reservoir 地层的单元;油层剖面 
section paper 方格纸 
section plotter 剖面仪 
section purging 管段吹扫 
section steel 型钢 
section 剖面 
section-chord technique 截面弦法 
section-dependent equalization 与剖面有关的道平衡 
sectional area 截面积 
sectional bailer 多段捞砂筒 
sectional box dock 分节浮坞 
sectional convergence of reserves 油藏各部分的储量分布 
sectional drawing 断面图 
sectional elevation 立剖面图 
sectional material 型材 
sectional ring rubbers 多段橡皮环 
sectional turbodrill 多级涡轮钻具 
sectional view 剖面图 
sectional 分区的 
sectionalized derrick 折叠式井架 
sectionalized jacket 分段式导管架 
sectionalized 分段 
sectionally continuous 分段连续 
sectionally smooth 分段光滑 
sectioned drilling mast 分块式钻井井架 
sectionlization 分段 
sector display 扇形扫描 
sector fault 扇形断层 
sector gear 扇形齿轮 
sector planning 行业规划 
sector scanning 扇区扫描 
sector shaft 扇形齿轮轴 
sector velocity function 扇形速度函数 
sector 扇形 
sectorial pipe-coupling method 分段连接管道法 
sectoring 扇形扫描;扇形变异 
sectrometer 真空管滴定计 
secular compaction 缓慢压实作用 
secular crustal deformation 地壳缓慢变形 
secular drift 缓慢漂移 
secular equation 特征方程 
secular gravity variation 长期性重力变化 
secular movement 地壳缓慢升降运动 
secular rise 长期上升 
secular sinking 长期下沉 
secular subsidence 长期缓慢沉降 
secular trend 长期趋势 
secular upheaval 长期缓慢上升 
secular variation 长期变化 
secular 长期的 
secundine dike 胎盘岩墙 
secure 安全的 
secured loan 抵押放款 
securing band 安全带 
securities market 证券市场 
securities portfolio management 一揽子证券管理 
securities 有价证券 
security code 安全码 
security door 保险门 
security exchange 证券交易 
security factor 安全系数 
security level 安全水平 
security official 安全员 
security price 证券价格 
security rating 证券分级 
security system 安全防范系统 
security 安全 
sed 沉积物 
SED 光谱能量分布 
sedan 轿车 
sedarenite 沉积砂屑岩 
Sedco Ico. 赛德科公司 
sedentary deposit 原地沉积 
sedentary product 风化产物 
sedentary 残积的 
sediment bar 边缘沙洲 
sediment box 沉淀箱 
sediment by extraction 抽提法沉淀试验 
sediment column 沉积柱 
sediment compaction 沉积物压实作用 
sediment gravity flow 沉积物重力流 
sediment incrustation 积垢 
sediment pile 沉积物堆积 
sediment sampler 底泥采样器 
sediment supply 沉积物补给 
sediment trap 沉积区;沉积物收集器 
sediment 沉淀;沉积物;油脚;残渣 
sediment-induced deformation 沉积物诱发变形 
sediment-ingesting animals 食沉积物的动物 
sediment-laden pipeline 充满沉积物的管道 
sediment-size frequency distribution 沉积物粒度频率分布 
sedimental 沉积物的 
sedimentary basin 沉积盆地 
sedimentary blanket 沉积盖层 
sedimentary breccia 沉积角砾岩 
sedimentary column 沉积柱 
sedimentary compaction 沉积压实作用 
sedimentary compensation 沉积补偿 
sedimentary complex 沉积杂岩 
sedimentary context 沉积环境 
sedimentary cover 沉积盖层 
sedimentary cycle 沉积旋回 
sedimentary deposit 成层沉积 
sedimentary derivation 沉积来源 
sedimentary differentiation 沉积分异作用 
sedimentary dynamics 沉积动力学 
sedimentary ecology 沉积生态学 
sedimentary environment 沉积环境 
sedimentary facies 沉积相 
sedimentary fault 生长断层 
sedimentary formation 沉积地层 
sedimentary gap 沉积缺失 
sedimentary history 沉积史 
sedimentary imput 沉积输入 
sedimentary interstices 沉积岩孔隙;沉积生成孔隙 
sedimentary lag 沉积滞后 
sedimentary loading 沉积载荷 
sedimentary mantle 沉积覆盖层 
sedimentary mineralogy 沉积矿物学 
sedimentary origin 沉积成因 
sedimentary outer arc 沉积外弧 
sedimentary overlap 沉积超覆 
sedimentary peat 沉积泥炭 
sedimentary petrography 沉积岩类学 
sedimentary pile 沉积堆 
sedimentary porosity 沉积孔隙度 
sedimentary province 沉积区 
sedimentary rhythm 沉积韵律 
sedimentary rock 沉积岩 
sedimentary section 沉积剖面 
sedimentary sequence 沉积层序 
sedimentary series 沉积层系 
sedimentary structure 沉积构造 
sedimentary succession 沉积层序 
sedimentary supply 沉积物补给 
sedimentary tectonics 沉积大地构造 
sedimentary trap 沉积圈闭 
sedimentary veneer 沉积盖层 
sedimentary vulcanism 沉积火山作用 
sedimentary wedge 沉积楔 
sedimentary 沉淀的 
sedimentation basin 沉积盆地;沉淀池 
sedimentation coefficient 沉积系数 
sedimentation constant 沉积常数 
sedimentation curve 沉积曲线 
sedimentation diameter 沉积直径 
sedimentation disturbance 沉积干扰 
sedimentation gradient 沉积梯度 
sedimentation model 沉积模式 
sedimentation potential 沉积电位 
sedimentation rate test 沉积速率试验 
sedimentation tank 沉降罐 
sedimentation type 沉积类型 
sedimentation unit 沉积单位 
sedimentation velocity 沉积速度 
sedimentation volume 沉积体积 
sedimentation 沉积 
sedimentation-equivalent particle 沉积等效颗粒 
sedimentation-size analysis 沉积量值分析 
sedimentationist 沉积岩学者 
sedimentator 沉淀器 
sedimento-eustasy 沉积海面变动 
sedimentoeustatism 沉积海面变动 
sedimentogeneous rock 沉积岩 
sedimentogenic 沉积成因的 
sedimentography 沉积岩相学 
sedimentological 沉积学的 
sedimentologist 沉积学者 
sedimentology 沉积学 
sedimentometer 沉淀计 
sedimentophile 亲沉积的 
sedimentous 沉积的 
see-through section 透明管段 
seed bag 亚麻子袋油管封隔器;特制封隔器 
seed 种子 
seeder 播种者 
seedholder 籽晶夹持器 
seeding polymerization 接种聚合 
seeding 播种;引晶技术;强化 
seeing 视觉 
seek delay 查找延迟 
seek time 查找时间 
seek 寻找 
seeker 探索者 
Seelandian 西兰阶 
seep oil 渗至地面的油 
seep water =seepage water 
seep 渗出 
seepage discharge 渗透流量 
seepage flow 渗流量 
seepage force 渗透力 
seepage line 渗流线 
seepage loss 渗透损失 
seepage oil 油苗 
seepage pressure 渗透压力 
seepage refluction 渗透回流 
seepage reflux 渗透回流 
seepage up-dip 沿倾斜向上的渗出 
seepage velocity 渗透速度 
seepage water 渗透水 
seepage 渗出 
seeping 渗入作用 
seepology 油苗学 
seepy 透水的 
seesaw 杠杆 
seethe 煮沸;沸腾;激动;浸湿 
SEG 经济地质家学会 
SEG 勘探地球物理家学会 
segment model 分节模型 
segment of a circle 弓形 
segment of curve 曲线段 
segment table 段表 
segment 扇形体 
segmental baffle 缺圆折流板 
segmental orifice plate 缺圆孔板 
segmental 分段的 
segmentation 分段;分割 
segmented bond tool 分区水泥胶结测井仪 
segmented copolymer 嵌段共聚物 
segregated combustion 有限垂向燃烧 
segregated completion 分层完井 
segregated oil reservoir 重力分离油藏 
segregation banding 分凝条带 
segregation drive index 重力驱指数 
segregation drive 重力驱动 
segregation foliation 分凝叶理 
segregation gas chromatography 分离气相色谱 
segregation of oil and water 油水重力分离 
segregation of waste 废液分流 
segregation rate 分离速率 
segregation 分离 
segregational 分凝的 
segregative 易分离的 
segregator 分类器 
seiche 湖面波动 
seif 纵向沙丘 
seis spacing 检波器间隔 
seis 地震仪 
seiscrop section 水平切片剖面 
seisin 土地或财产的依法占有 
seisline 检波线 
seislith section 地震岩性剖面 
seislog section 合成地震测井剖面 
seislog trace 合成地震测井道 
seislog 地震测井 
seisloop 地震环线 
seism 地震 
seismic acceleration 地震加速度 
seismic acoustic impedance log 地震波阻抗测井曲线 
seismic acquisition configuration 地震采集系统 
seismic activity 地震活动 
seismic aeolotropy 地震各向异性 
seismic amplifier 地震放大器 
seismic amplitude 地震振幅 
seismic analog amplifier 地震模拟放大器 
seismic analysis 地震分析 
seismic anisotropy 地震各向异性 
seismic anomaly 地震异常 
seismic apparatus 地震仪 
seismic area 地震区 
seismic arrangement 地震排列 
seismic array 地震组合 
seismic arrival 地震波至 
seismic attenuation 地震衰减 
seismic band 地震频带 
seismic belt 地震带 
seismic boat 地震船 
seismic body wave 地震体波 
seismic borehole tomography 井中地震层析成象 
seismic bright spot technology 地震亮点技术 
seismic cable 地震电缆 
seismic camera 地震照相记录仪 
seismic cap 地震雷管 
seismic centre 震中 
seismic character 地震特性 
seismic charge 震源药包 
seismic compiler 地震编译器 
seismic constant 地震常数 
seismic correlation 地震相关 
seismic country 地震区 
seismic coupling 地震耦合 
seismic crew 地震队 
seismic cross-section 地震剖面 
seismic crosshole method 井间地震方法 
seismic data block 地震数据块 
seismic data cube 地震数据体 
seismic data inversion 地震数据反演 
seismic data preprocessing 地震数据预处理 
seismic data volume 地震数据体 
seismic data 地震资料 
seismic datum 地震基准面 
seismic decoupling 地震解耦 
seismic design 抗震设计 
seismic detector 地震检波器 
seismic digital amplifier 地震数字放大器 
seismic digital processing system 地震数字处理系统 
seismic directivity 地震方向性 
seismic discontinuity 地震不连续面 
seismic disturbance pulse 地震扰动脉冲 
seismic disturbance range of amplitudes 地震扰动的振幅范围 
seismic disturbance range of frequencies 地震扰动的频率范围 
seismic disturbance 地震扰动 
seismic downlap 地震下超 
seismic drilling rig 地震钻机 
seismic drop hammer 地震落锤 
seismic effect of explosions 爆炸地震效应 
seismic energy flux 地震能量通量 
seismic energy scattering 地震能量散射 
seismic energy source 地震能源 
seismic energy wavefront 地震能量波前 
seismic event identification 地震同相轴识别 
seismic event 地震波 
seismic exploration 地震勘探 
seismic facies map 地震相图 
seismic facies unit 地震相单元 
seismic facies 地震相 
seismic field data 地震野外数据 
seismic focus 震源 
seismic gap 地震空白区 
seismic gelatin 地震胶质炸药 
seismic geologic engineering 地震地质工程 
seismic ghost reflection 地震虚反射 
seismic grid 地震测网 
seismic head wave 地震首波 
seismic holography 地震全息 
seismic horizon 地震层位 
seismic impact 地震冲击 
seismic impedance log 地震阻抗测井 
seismic impluse holography 地震脉冲全息 
seismic instrumentation 地震仪 
seismic intensity 地震烈度 
seismic interface 地震界面 
seismic interference noise 地震干涉噪声 
seismic interpretation 地震解释 
seismic language 地震语言 
seismic lateral resolution 地震横向分辨率 
seismic line 地震测线 
seismic lithologic modeling 地震岩性模拟 
seismic lithology 地震岩性学 
seismic log 地震测井 
seismic logging method 地震测井法 
seismic map 地震等值线图 
seismic marker bed 地震标准层 
seismic marker horizon 地震标准层 
seismic marker 地震标准层 
seismic method 地震法 
seismic model 地震模型 
seismic modeling package 地震模拟程序包 
seismic module 地震模块 
seismic moment tensor 地震力矩张量 
seismic motion compensation 地震运动补偿 
seismic motion 地震运动 
seismic network 地震台网 
seismic numerical model 地震数值模型 
seismic onlap 地震上超 
seismic operating system 地震操作系统 
seismic origin 震源 
seismic oscillation 地震振动 
seismic pattern recognition 地震模式识别 
seismic penetration 地震穿透力 
seismic physical modeling 地震物理模拟 
seismic pick-up 地震仪;地震车 
seismic playback apparatus 地震回放仪 
seismic preprocessing system 地震预处理系统 
seismic processes 地震处理方法 
seismic processing technique 地震处理技术 
seismic profile 地震剖面 
seismic profiler 地震剖面 
seismic propagation path 地震波传播路径 
seismic prospecting 地震勘探 
seismic pulse 地震脉冲 
seismic ray direction anomaly 地震射线方向异常 
seismic ray paths 地震射线路程 
seismic ray 地震波射线 
seismic reciprocity 地震互换性 
seismic reconnaissance 地震普查 
seismic record viewer 地震记录观测仪器 
seismic record 地震记录 
seismic recording streamer 地震记录等浮电缆 
seismic recording system 地震记录系统 
seismic reference datum 地震参考基准面 
seismic reflection amplifier 地震反射放大器 
seismic reflection crew 反射地震队 
seismic reflection tomography 地震反射层析 
seismic refraction method 地震折射法 
seismic region 地震区 
seismic resolution 地震分辨率 
seismic response 地震响应 
seismic scaling law 地震定比定律 
seismic scattering tomography 地震散射层析成象 
seismic scattering 地震散射 
seismic sea wave warning 海啸警报 
seismic sea wave 地震海浪 
seismic section plotter 地震剖面绘图仪 
seismic section 地震剖面 
seismic sensor cluster 地震传感器组 
seismic sensor 地震检波器 
seismic sequence 地震层序 
seismic ship 地震船 
seismic shock wave 地震冲击波 
seismic signal coherence 地震信号相干 
seismic signal 地震信号 
seismic slowness 地震慢度 
seismic smear 地震模糊 
seismic sounding 地震测深 
seismic source function 地震震源函数 
seismic source 震源 
seismic spectrum 地震波谱 
seismic spread 地震勘探排列 
seismic stability 抗震稳定性 
seismic station 地震站 
seismic stratigraphic interpretation 地震地层解释 
seismic stratigraphic model 地震地层模型 
seismic stratigraphy 地震地层学 
seismic streamer cable 地震等浮电缆 
seismic streamer tracking system 地震等浮电缆跟踪系统 
seismic stripping 地震剥离法 
seismic surveying 地震测量 
seismic synthetic profiles 合成地震剖面 
seismic synthetic records 合成地震记录 
seismic system model 地震系统模型 
seismic telemetry buoy 地震遥测浮标 
seismic telemetry 地震遥测 
seismic thumper 液压震动发生器 
seismic tomography 地震层析 
seismic trace 地震道 
seismic transients 地震瞬时脉冲 
seismic transmission prospecting 地震透射勘探 
seismic travel time 地震波旅行时间 
seismic velocity logging 地震速度测井 
seismic velocity 地震速度 
seismic vertical resolution 地震垂向分辨率 
seismic vessel 地震勘探船 
seismic wave attenuation 地震波衰减 
seismic wave field 地震波场 
seismic wave generator 地震波发生器 
seismic wave path 地震波路径 
seismic wave propagation 地震波传播 
seismic wave 地震波;海啸 
seismic waveform 地震波形 
seismic waveguide 地震波导 
seismic wavelet 地震子波 
seismic waveshape 地震波形 
seismic weathering 地震风化层 
seismic while drilling 以井底钻头声能为震源的地震方法 
seismic wipeout 地震剖面上无反射的垂直区域 
seismic word 地震字 
seismic zone 地震带 
seismic zoning 地震区域划分 
seismic 地震的 
seismic-electric effect 震电效应 
seismic-velocity discontinuity 地震速度不连续性 
seismicity map 地震活动图 
seismicity 地震活动性 
seismics 地震学 
seismo-impedance 地震阻抗道 
seismo-magnetic data 地震磁带记录 
seismoacoustics 地震声学 
seismochronograph 地震记时器 
seismogeology 地震地质 
seismogram section 震波图剖面 
seismogram synthesis 地震记录合成 
seismogram 地震波曲线 
seismograph amplification 地震仪放大系数 
seismograph tape recorder 地震磁带记录设备 
seismograph 地震仪;地震检波器 
seismographer 地震学者 
seismographic record 震波图 
seismography 地震学;地震记录 
seismologic record 地震记录 
seismologist 地震学家 
seismology 地震学 
seismomagnetic effect 地震磁力效应 
seismometer array 地震检波器组合 
seismometer cable assembly 大线组 
seismometer cable 地震检波器电缆 
seismometer coil 地震检波器线圈 
seismometer coupling 地震检波器耦合 
seismometer free period 地震检波器自由振荡周期 
seismometer galvanometer 地震检波器检流计 
seismometer group recorder 地震检波器组记录系统 
seismometer pattern layout 检波器组合方式 
seismometer resonant frequency 地震检波器谐振频率 
seismometer testing apparatus 地震检波器测试仪器 
seismometer 地震检波器 
seismometry 用地震仪记录或研究地震现象;地震波探矿 
seismopickup 地震车;地震仪 
seismoreceiver 地震检波器 
seismoscope 地震示波仪 
seismotectonic effect 地震大地构造效应 
seismotectonic line 地震构造线 
seismotectonic map 地震大地构造图 
seismotectonic 地震构造的 
seisphone cable assembly 大线组 
seisphone 检波器 
seisquare 方网地震采集系统 
seistrach 地震曳引法 
seisviewer 井下声波电视 
seize 抓住 
seizing 抓 
seizure delay method 延迟胶住法 
seizure 咬住 
sekaninaite 铁堇青石 
selagite 黑云粗面岩 
Selagosporis 卷柏孢属 
SELCAL 选择呼叫 
SELCH 选择通道 
seldom if ever 难得 
seldomness 罕见 
select planning 选择计划 
select switch 选择开关 
select 选择;精选的 
selectable 可选择的 
selectance 选择性 
selected depth 选定深度 
selected zone 选择层 
selecting 选择的 
selection of project site 厂地选择 
selection transportation 选择搬运 
selection 选择 
selective abrasion 选择磨蚀 
selective absorption 选择性吸收 
selective acidizing 选择性酸化 
selective adsorption 选择性吸附 
selective amplifier 选择放大器 
selective azeotropic distillation 选择性溶剂共沸蒸馏 
selective blockage 选择性封堵 
selective bottom-up 自底向上选择 
selective bullet gun perforator 选择性子弹射孔器 
selective circuit 选择电路 
selective completion tool 选择性完井工具 
selective control 选择性控制 
selective corrosion 选择性腐蚀 
selective detection 选择性检定 
selective dual completion 选择性双层完井 
selective erosion 选择侵蚀 
selective extraction 选择性抽提 
selective feature 选择性要素 
selective filter 选择滤波器;选择性滤光器 
selective fire 选择性发射 
selective flocculant 选择性絮凝剂 
selective flooding 选择性注水 
selective flotation 选择性浮选 
selective formation tester 选择性地层测试器 
selective fracturing 选择性压裂 
selective gas shut-off 选择性封堵气层 
selective gear 配齿轮 
selective hardening 局部淬火 
selective headstock 床头箱 
selective hydrogenation catalyst 选择性加氢催化剂 
selective hydrogenation 选择性加氢 
selective hydrolysis 优先水解 
selective injection 选择性注入 
selective interference 窄带干扰 
selective inverse feedback 选择性反向反馈 
selective key 选择性标志 
selective landing nipple 选择性联顶短节 
selective metasomatism 选择交代 
selective negative feedback 选择性负反馈 
selective network 选择网络 
selective oxidation 分别氧化 
selective perforating 选择性射孔 
selective permeation 选择性渗透 
selective plugging 选择性封堵 
selective position tool 选择性定位工具 
selective production scheduling 选择性开采程序 
selective reagent 选择试剂 
selective reflection 选择反射 
selective replacemant 选择交代 
selective repressuring 选择性恢复压力 
selective sampling 重要抽样 
selective sand control 选择性防砂 
selective scattering 选择散射 
selective sequence calculator 选择程序计算机 
selective shaped charge 选发聚能弹 
selective shut-off 选择性封堵 
selective solvent extraction 选择性溶剂抽提法 
selective solvent 选择性溶剂 
selective sorbent 选择性吸着剂 
selective sorting 选择分选 
selective stacking 选择叠加 
selective stimulation 选择性增产措施 
selective test 选择性试验 
selective top-down 自顶向下选择 
selective trace muting 道剔除 
selective tracing routine 选择追踪程序 
selective transmission 变速箱 
selective transportation 选择搬运 
selective trapping 选择性圈闭作用 
selective water shut-off 选择性堵水 
selective weathering 选择风化 
selective wetting 选择性湿润 
selective zonal injection 选择性分层注水 
selective zone anchor 选层锚 
selective zone production 分层开采 
selective zone 选择层 
selective 选择的 
selectively blocking off 选择性封堵 
selectively fired gun 选发式射孔器 
selectively flocculate 选择性絮凝 
selectivity index 选择性指数 
selectivity 选择性 
selector switch 选择器 
selector 选择器 
selector-repeater 区别机;分区断接器 
selectrograph 选择图表 
selectron storage 选数管存储器 
selenate 硒酸盐 
selenide 硒化物 
selenite 亚硒酸盐 
selenium rectifier welder 硒整流焊机 
selenium 硒 
selenodesy 月球学 
selenography 月面学 
selenolite 氧硒矿;石膏岩 
selenology 月球学 
selenomorphology 月球地貌学 
selenotectonics 月球构造学 
seletron 硒整流器 
selexol process 天然气脱硫 
self adjustable sliding bearing 自动调节滑动轴承 
self adjusting packing 自调节填料密封 
self aging 自然老化 
self aid navigation 自备式导航 
self clean-up action 自清理作用 
self docking dock 分节浮坞 
self energizing effort 自增力 
self energizing 自身供给能量的;自激的;自馈的;带自备电源;自加力效应 
self feedback 自动反馈 
self financed 自筹资金的 
self inductance 自感 
self marketing 自销 
self programing computer 自编程序计算机 
self sufficient 自给自足的 
self test capability 自测能力 
self- 自 
self-absorption 自吸收 
self-acting thermostat 自调恒温器 
self-acting 自动的 
self-action 自动 
self-activation 自活化 
self-actuated controller 自动控制器 
self-actuated sampler 自动取样器 
self-adaptation 自适应 
self-adhesive 自粘的 
self-adjoint 自伴的 
self-adjustable 自调的 
self-adjusting arc welding 自调节电弧焊 
self-adjusting 自动调节的 
self-adjustment 自动调节 
self-aligning bearing 自位轴承 
self-aligning double row ball bearing 自位对排滚珠轴承 
self-alkylation 自烷基化作用 
self-association 自缔合 
self-balancing bridge circuit 自动平衡电桥 
self-balancing 自动平衡的 
self-bias 自偏压 
self-biased off 自动偏压截止 
self-bodying 自稠化 
self-braking 自动停止的 
self-buoyancy tank 自浮式罐 
self-calibration block adjustment 自检校区域网平差 
self-calibration procedure 自校程序 
self-cancelling 自相抵消 
self-catalysis 自催化作用 
self-centered 静止的 
self-centering buttress thread 自动找中的梯形螺纹 
self-centering 自动定心的 
self-check program 自检程序 
self-check 自检 
self-checking capability 自检能力 
self-checking code 自校验代码 
self-checking equipment 自检设备 
self-checking function 自检功能 
self-checking system 自检系统 
self-cleaning bit 自洗式钻头 
self-cleaning connectors 自清洗接头 
self-cleaning effect 自清理作用 
self-cleaning strainer 自洁式过滤器 
self-cleaning 自清的 
self-clearing bit 自洁式牙轮钻头 
self-closing valve 自闭阀 
self-combustion 自燃 
self-compensating 自补偿的 
self-compensation 自动补偿 
self-complementing code 自补码 
self-condensation 自冷凝;自缩合作用 
self-conforming 自动波及的 
self-congruent 自相一致的 
self-conjugate vector space 自扼向量空间 
self-consistent family of curves 自相一致的曲线组 
self-consistent 自相一致的 
self-contact 自力接触 
self-contained breathing apparatus 自给式呼吸器 
self-contained drilling platform 自足式海洋钻井平台 
self-contained instrument 独立的仪器 
self-contained platform 自足式平台 
self-contained simulation 自立模拟 
self-contained unit 自足式装置 
self-contained wireline gauge 自足式钢丝起下井底压力计 
self-contained wireline 一车装试井设备 
self-contained 自给的 
self-control 自动控制 
self-controlled oscillator 自控振荡器 
self-cooling 自冷却 
self-correcting code 自校码 
self-correcting 自动调整的 
self-curing adhesive 自干粘合剂 
self-demagnetizing field 自退磁场 
self-destroying material 自破坏的物质 
self-diffusion coefficient 自扩散系数 
self-diffusion flow 自扩散型流动 
self-diffusion 自扩散 
self-draining valve 自动排放阀 
self-dumping 自动卸料 
self-elevating drilling platform 自升式钻井平台 
self-elevating platform 自升式平台 
self-elevating substructure 自升式底座 
self-elevation unit 自升式平台 
self-emission 自发射 
self-employed 个体经营的 
self-employment 自营职业 
self-energized brake 自供能刹车 
self-enhancement 自增强 
self-equilibrating 自平衡 
self-erecting 自立的 
self-erection rig 自立的钻机 
self-evident 自明的 
self-excitation 自激 
self-excited oscillator 自激振荡器 
self-excited vibration 自激振动 
self-excited 自激的 
self-explanatory 自身能说明的 
self-extinguishing group 1 自熄 1 类 
self-extinguishing polymer 自熄性聚合物 
self-extinguishing 自熄性 
self-feeding 自动给进;自动给料 
self-floating jacket 自浮式导管架 
self-generating extinguisher 自生式灭火器 
self-generating mud-acid 自生土酸 
self-geosyncline 自地槽 
self-gripping ring 自动扣紧环 
self-guided 自动导向的 
self-gured structural mast 自带绷绳的轻便井架 
self-hauling drill 自行式钻机 
self-healing effect 自复原效应 
self-heat 自动加热 
self-help gas 在现货市场购得的天然气 
self-ignition temperature 自燃温度 
self-ignition 自动点火 
self-induced vibration 自激振动 
self-induced 自感应的 
self-induction coil 自感线圈 
self-induction e.m.f. 自感电动势 
self-induction electromotive force 自感电动势 
self-induction 自感应 
self-inflammable 自燃的 
self-interacting 自动调节 
self-interaction operator 自作用算子 
self-leveling 自动调平的 
self-locating geophone 自定位检波器 
self-locking nut 自锁螺母 
self-locking 自锁 
self-lubrication 自动润滑 
self-made 自制的 
self-magnetization 自磁化 
self-matching deconvolution 自匹配反褶积 
self-matching filter 自匹配滤波器 
self-mobile 自动的 
self-modulation 自调制 
self-oiling bearing 自润滑轴承 
self-operated control 自行控制 
self-operated controller 自控式调节器 
self-optimizing 最佳自动的 
self-organization 自组织 
self-orientation 自动定向 
self-orienting geophone 自动定向检波器 
self-oscillation 自激振荡 
self-piloting 自动驾驶 
self-plasticizing action 自增塑作用 
self-poise 自动平衡 
self-potential compensator 自然电位补偿器 
self-potential detector 自然电位检测器 
self-potential log 自然电位测井 
self-potential method 自然电位法 
self-potential survey 自然电位测量 
self-potential 自然电位 
self-priming pump 自吸泵 
self-priming 自动充满的 
self-programming 自动编程序 
self-propagating 自动传输的 
self-propelled drill vessel 自航式钻井装置 
self-propelled FPSO 自航式浮式采油储油卸油油轮 
self-propelled grader 自行式平土机 
self-propelled rig 自行式钻机 
self-propelled scraper 自行式刮管器 
self-propelled 自行的 
self-propelling 自动推进的 
self-purification 自净化 
self-recorder 自记器 
self-recording accelerometer 自记式加速计 
self-recording device 自动记录仪 
self-recording manometer 自记压力表 
self-recording thermometer 自记温度计 
self-recording unit 自动记录器 
self-recording 自动记录的 
self-refrigeration 自身冷冻 
self-registering 自动记录的 
self-regulating 自动调节的 
self-releasing 自动卸开的 
self-relieving 自动泄压的 
self-reset 自动复原 
self-restoring 自动恢复 
self-running 自起动的 
self-scattering 自散射 
self-sealing coupling 自封联管节 
self-sealing 自封的 
self-serve station 自动加油站 
self-sharpening bit 自锐钻头 
self-sharpening tooth 自锐齿 
self-sharpening 自锐的 
self-starter 自动起动机 
self-starting 自动启动的 
self-steering 自动转向 
self-stiffness 固有刚度 
self-stressing concrete 自应力混凝土 
self-supervisory 自动监视的;自动核查的 
self-supporting conical roof 自支承式锥顶 
self-sustained oscillation 自激振荡 
self-sustaining combustion zone 自燃带 
self-sustaining gear 自动制动机构 
self-sustaining 自持的 
self-synchronization 自动同步 
self-tapping screw 自攻螺钉 
self-tapping 自攻的 
self-texturing yarn 自变形丝 
self-timing 自定时 
self-trimming ship 自匀货船 
self-trimming tank 自平衡水舱 
self-twist factor 自捻系数 
self-twist twisted yarn 加捻自捻纱 
self-twist yarn 自捻纱 
self-twisting spinning 自捻纺纱 
self-verifying 自动检查 
self-winding 自缠绕 
self-zeroing 自动回零的 
selfemployment 个体劳动 
selfinsurance 自保 
selfward-dipping fault 自倾断层 
sellaite 氟镁石 
seller 卖方 
seller's credit 卖方信贷 
seller's market 卖方市场 
selling operation 销售业务 
selling price 售价 
selling rate 卖出价 
selling right 销售权 
selling short 卖空 
selsyn motor 自动同步电动机 
selsyn transmitter 自动同步发送机 
selsyn 自动同步 
seltrap 半导体二极管变阻器 
selvage 断层泥;脉壁泥;岩体边缘带 
selvedge =selvage 
selves self的复数 
SEM 扫描电子显微镜 
SEM 扫描电子显微摄影 
SEM 扫描电子显微术 
semantics 语义学 
semaphore flag 信号标记 
semaphore 信号 
semblance coefficient 相似系数 
semblance 相似;外表;伪装 
semester 学期 
semi octave filter 半倍频程滤波器 
semi 半潜式装置 
semi- 半 
semi-analytic method 半解析方法 
semi-arid fan 半干旱地区冲击扇 
semi-asphaltic flux 半石油沥青 
semi-automatic 半自动的 
semi-balance rudder 半平衡舵 
semi-bright nut 半光制螺母 
semi-buried tank 半地下罐 
semi-buried 半埋地的 
semi-cannel coal 瘦烛煤 
semi-cantilever spring 半悬臂弹簧 
semi-centrifugal clutch 半离心式离合器 
semi-closure 半闭合 
semi-commercial unit 半工厂化的设备 
semi-competent 半坚实的 
semi-conducting polymer 半导聚合物 
semi-conductive polymer 半导性聚合物 
semi-conductor amplifier 半导体放大器 
semi-conductor chip 半导体芯片 
semi-conductor industry 半导体工业 
semi-consolidated 半固结的 
semi-continuous activated sludge test 半连续活性污泥试验 
semi-continuous centrifuge spinning method 半连续离心纺丝法 
semi-crystalline polymer 半晶态聚合物 
semi-deoxidized steel 半脱氧钢 
semi-depleted reservoir 半枯竭油层 
semi-diesel engine 低压缩比柴油机 
semi-discretisation 半离散化 
semi-dry friction 半干摩擦 
semi-ebonite 半硬橡胶 
semi-empirical approach 半经验方法 
semi-enclosed basin 半封闭盆地 
semi-enclosed motor 半封闭式电动机 
semi-enclosed 半封闭式的 
semi-expendable gun 部分可回收的射孔器 
semi-expendable 半消耗性的 
semi-explicit 半显式的 
semi-finished product 半成品 
semi-finished working 半精加工 
semi-finished 半制的 
semi-finishing 半精加工 
semi-floating 半浮的 
semi-focal chord 半焦弦 
semi-girder 悬臂梁 
semi-graphic keyboard 半图解键盘 
semi-graphic panel 半图式面板 
semi-graphic 半图解的 
semi-hard packing 半硬填料 
semi-implicit reservoir simulation technique 半隐式油藏模拟法 
semi-implicit 半隐式;半隐的 
semi-inert long life anode 半惰性长寿命阳极 
semi-infinite earth 半无限地层 
semi-infinite slab 半无限平板 
semi-infinite space 半无限空间 
semi-infinite-stratified media 半无限层状介质 
semi-invariant 累积量 
semi-inverse method 凑合法 
semi-isolated basin 半封闭海盆 
semi-iterative method 半迭代法 
semi-linear 半线性的 
semi-liquid flushing 半液体冲洗 
semi-liquid 半液体的 
semi-logarithmic chart 半对数表 
semi-logarithmic scale 半对数比例尺 
semi-manufacture 半成品 
semi-Markov chain 半马尔科夫链 
semi-matrix 半矩阵 
semi-melt spun acrylic fibre 半熔纺聚丙烯腈系纤维 
semi-opaque 半透明的 
semi-open 半开的 
semi-ordered region 半有序区 
semi-permeable diaphragm 半透膜 
semi-permeable mirror 半透镜 
semi-plant 中间试验工厂 
semi-portable 半永久式 
semi-portal crane 单脚高架起重机 
semi-production 半生产 
semi-quiescent 半静止的 
semi-refined wax 半炼蜡 
semi-regenerative catalytic reforming 半再生式催化重整 
semi-regenerative reforming 半再生式重整 
semi-rigid film 半刚性膜 
semi-rigid plastic 半硬质塑料 
semi-round nose 半圆形冠部 
semi-solid film 半固态膜 
semi-solid state 半固结状态 
semi-solid 半固体的 
semi-space volume source 半空间体积源 
semi-spherical bit 半球形钻头 
semi-splint coal 中亮条带煤 
semi-stability 半稳定 
semi-steep 缓倾斜的 
semi-submersible barge 半潜式平底船 
semi-submersible drilling unit 半潜式钻井装置 
semi-submersible offshore station 半潜式海洋站 
semi-submersible rig 半潜式钻井平台 
semi-triangular 略呈三角形的 
semi-unattended 半自动的 
semi-volatile covering 气渣联合保护药皮 
Semiacontiodus 半矢牙形石属 
semiagitator 间歇抽油井 
semiangle 半角 
semianthracite 半无烟煤 
semiarid 半干旱的 
semiasphalt 半沥青 
semiasphaltic oil 半沥青油 
semiautomatic arc welder 半自动电弧焊机 
semiautomatic balance 半自动秤 
semiautomatic clutch 半自动离合器 
semiautomatic control 半自动操纵 
semiautomatic controller 半自动控制器 
semiautomatic gas cutting machine 半自动气割机 
semiautomatic plant 半自动装置 
semiautomatic seal 半自紧密封 
semiautomatic submerged arc welding 半自动埋弧焊 
semiautomatic tester 半自动测试器 
semiautomatic transmission 半自动变速器 
semiautomatic well-test unit 半自动油井测试装置 
semiautomatic working 半自动加工 
semiaxis 半轴 
semibituminous coal 半沥青煤 
semibituminous 半沥青的 
semicircle 半圆 
semiclosed gas lift 半闭式气举 
semiclosed-circuit mixed-gas scuba 自足式半闭路混合气水下呼吸器 
semiclosed-cycle gas turbine 半闭式循环燃气轮机 
semicoke 半焦 
semicolloid 半胶体 
semicolloidal dispersion 半胶体分散体 
semicolon 分号 
semiconducting 半导电 
semiconduction 半导电 
semiconductor transducer 半导体传感器 
semiconductor 半导体 
semiconsolidated sand 胶结性弱的砂岩 
semicraton 准稳定地块 
semicylinder 半圆柱体 
semicylindrical reflector 半圆柱形反射器 
semideep 中深的 
semideep-deep lacustrine facies 中深-深湖相 
semidiameter 半径 
semiellipse 半椭圆 
semiellipsoid 半椭圆体 
semielliptic spring 半椭圆弹簧 
semiempirical formula 半经验公式 
semifinished bolt 半光制螺栓 
semifinished goods 半成品 
semiflexible coupling 半挠性联轴器 
semiflexible 半柔性的 
semifluid 半流动的;半流质的;半流质 
semifusain 半丝煤 
semifusinite 半丝质体 
semifusite 微半丝煤 
semiguarded machine 半防护式机器 
semihydrate 半水合物 
semiinfinite 半无限 
semikilled steel 半镇静钢 
semilog coordinate 半对数坐标 
semilog data plot 实测数据的半对数坐标曲线图 
semilog plot 半对数曲线 
semilog straight line 半对数直线 
semilog straight-line slope 半对数直线段斜率 
semilog 半对数 
semilogarithmic paper 半对数纸 
semilongitudinal fault 斜断层 
semilongitudinal 偏斜走向的 
semimetallic pac 半固态膜 
seminar 研讨会 
seminary 学校 
Seminovela 半诺夫?NFDA3?属 
semipacked bottom-hole assembly 半封隔井底钻具组合 
semiperiod 半周期 
semipermanent floating oil boom 半永久性的浮动栏油栅 
semipermanent packer 半永久型封隔器 
semipermanent 半永久式 
semipermeability 半渗透性 
semipermeable membrane 半渗透膜 
semipermeable partition 半渗透膜 
semipermeable porous plate 半渗透多孔板 
semipilot 中间试验 
semiplanomural 半平壁的 
semiporous 半孔隙的 
semiproduct 半制品 
semiqualitative 半定性的 
semiquantitative spectrographic analysis 半定量光谱分析 
semiquantitative 半定量的 
semirandom access memory 半随机存取存储器 
semirigid structure 半刚性结构 
semiround nose bit 半圆形冠部钻头 
semisectional view 半剖视图 
semisolid hydrocarbon 半固态烃类 
semispace 半空间 
semisphere 半球形 
semispherical combustion chamber 半球形燃烧室 
semistall 半失速;局部分离 
semisteady-state 半稳定状态 
semisteel 半钢 
semisubmersible column stabilized offshore drilling unit 半沉没柱稳定的海上钻井装置 
semisubmersible drilling platform 半潜式钻井平台 
semisubmersible lay vessel 半潜式铺管船 
semisubmersible production facility 半潜式开采设施 
semisubmersible 半潜式 
semitheoretical approach 半理论方法 
semitight well 资料不多的井 
semitone 半音 
semitractor trailer 半牵引拖车 
semitrailer 双轮拖车 
semitrailer-mounted rig 半拖车装钻机 
semitransparent 半透明的 
semitransverse fault 斜断层 
semitransverse 偏斜倾向的 
semitubular rivet 半管形铆钉 
semivalence 半价 
semivariable function 半变异函数 
semivariance 半方差 
semivariogram 半方差图 
semivitrinite 贫氢镜质体;半镜质组 
semiwave 半波 
semiweekly 每周两次;半周刊 
semiwildcat 半探井 
semiwork 小规模工厂 
sempatic 斑基等量的 
sempervirentiherbosa =sempervirentiprata 常绿草本群落 
SEN 灵敏度 
senary 六的 
senate 参议院 
senator 参议员 
Sency response correction) 声波频率响应校正 
send forth 发出 
send on 转送 
send 发送 
send-only 只发送的 
sender 发送器 
sending barrel 发送筒 
sending box 发报机 
sending station 发送站 
sending trap 发放器 
sending valve 发送阀 
sending 发送 
sendout 送出量 
sendust 铝硅铁粉;铁硅铝磁合金 
Senecan 塞内卡 
senescence phase 衰老期;老年早期;开始老年期 
senescence 衰老;老化 
senile river 老年河 
senility 老年期 
senior managerial position 高级管理职位 
senior staff geologist 高级地质师 
senior 年长的 
seniority 年长;上级 
senkung 沉陷作用 
senkungsfeld 地壳沉陷带 
Senomanian 森诺曼阶 
Senonian 森诺阶 
Senperm 森泊姆恒导磁率合金 
sensation 感觉;响度;感动;轰动事件 
sensator 压力转换器 
sense amplifier 读出放大器 
sense finder 辨向器 
sense finding 测向 
sense of asymmetry 不对称符号 
sense of displacement 位移方向 
sense of orientation 定向 
sense of rotation 旋转方向 
sense 感觉 
senser 敏感元件 
sensibility 灵敏度;感光性 
sensibilization 易感 
sensibilizer 敏化剂 
sensibity 敏感性 
sensible enthalpy 显焓 
sensible factor 敏感因素 
sensible heat 显热 
sensible 灵敏的;易感受的 
sensicon 光导摄象管 
sensing circuit 读出电路 
sensing coil 传感线圈 
sensing device 传感器 
sensing element 感压元件 
sensing point 探测点 
sensing probe 传感探头 
sensing range 检测范围 
sensing unit 传感器 
sensing 感觉 
sensistor 硅电阻 
sensitive clay 水敏性粘土 
sensitive element 敏感元件 
sensitive emulsion 感光乳胶 
sensitive film 感光胶片 
sensitive printer 感光式印刷机 
sensitive reservoir 水敏性储层 
sensitive 灵敏的 
sensitiveness 感光性;灵敏度 
sensitivity adjustment 灵敏度调整 
sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析 
sensitivity attenuator 灵敏度衰减器 
sensitivity 灵敏度;感光性;敏感性 
sensitization 敏化 
sensitized paper 感光纸 
sensitizer 敏化剂;激活剂;感光剂 
sensitogram 感光图 
sensitometer 感光计 
sensitometry 感光度测定术 
sensor amplifier 读出放大器 
sensor characteristic 传感器特性 
sensor crystal 感压晶体 
sensor information 遥感信息 
sensor module 传感器组件 
sensor network 传感器网络 
sensor number 传感器编号 
sensor package 遥感器组件 
sensor platform 传感器平台 
sensor 传感器;敏感元件 
sentence 判决 
sentience 感觉 
sentiency =sentience 
sentinel hole 腐蚀余量测试孔 
sentinel 标记 
sentron 防阴极反加热式磁控管 
sentry 哨兵;放哨;站岗 
sep 分离;分离的;单独的 
Sep 九月 
SEP 自升式平台 
separability 可分离性 
separable convex programming 可分离凸规划 
separant 隔离剂 
separate anomaly 分枝异常 
separate completion 分层完井 
separate event method 分离事件法 
separate excitation 他激 
separate gas cap 游离气顶 
separate injection well 分层注水井 
separate minilayer fracturing 细分层压裂 
separate sewer system 分流排污系统 
separate subzone development 分小层开发 
separate supervisor 独立监督程序 
separate table drive 转盘单独驱动 
separate take-up system 单独卷取装置 
separate tracing 分色原图 
separate zone production 分层开采 
separate zone water injection 分层注水 
separate 分离 
separate-layer hydrofracturing 分层水力压裂 
separate-layer water shutoff 分层堵水 
separate-zone water plugging 分层堵水 
separated fault 开断层 
separated flow 独
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